Dear all, it's been a while but I need a little info,
My cat Tasha is about 16, I have noticed recently that she seems to be drinking a little more than usual, not a huge amount but nocicable. Also she has been sick about 4 times in the last 8 days, again not a lot but more than usual & the last thing is that she seem to been sleeping a lot more than usual. ie go out for 10 min in garden, sleep & eats once in a while, she still has an appetite but not as big as it was. That isn't a bad thing in her case as she is a big girl 5kg at last weigh in, but still worrying.
I am going to ring the vet in the morning to get advice from them, but was hoping one of you nice people might be around to give some pointers. All advice gratefully received, many thanks, Sue