not sure how far that is from me ??? we do home any where in the uk if homecheck can be done for us , i cannot find my camera so unable to take a pic right now if i find it i will still put up her pic and see what you think we may be able to over come distance somehow !!
can i ask does your cat get on with others ok ? as this would be the main facter if he did not get on with her she is a very laid back cat gets on with any one she grabs your hand and licks it she is adorable but will look for camera
Oh that woudl be fantastic if something could be arranged! Yes my cat gets on with other cats fine, i do also have a house rabbit who is fine with other animals. But if you dont think she would be ok with my rabbit then they would stay separated. My rabbit tends to just stay in the conservatory on his own anyway most of the time and sleeps whereas Siggy (the cat) sits in the living room with us!
My cat and my rabbit are both very very laid back and very friendly so i hope this would be ok?
Could you give me some details as to her age and colour and name please? Cant wait to see pics of her!!
She sounds adorable when you say that she grabs your hand and licks it!