I've put foster in big letters just so's you know!

Sasha is 15 and is a chocolate point persian. I'm fostering her through via the Chinchilla, Silver Tabby & Smoke Cat Society welfare, which isnt far from me. Jo, who runs the welfare side asked me to look after Sasha (and her sister) because her pens are full at the mo. Sadly, about a week after I'd spoken to Sasha's owner about the 'girls' (Sasha and her sister Autumn), she phoned me to say that Autumn had gone downhill and vet thought kidney failure, so she was put to sleep. The owners are emigrating to Australia on Monday, so they brought Sasha over to me yesterday and now she's safe and sound in my spare room.
Considering whats been going on these past few weeks, losing her sister who she'd lived with for 15 yrs, the chaos of a house being packed up ready for sale, spending 2 nights with a neigbour because the owners had completed on the house sale, and then shipped over to me - she's doing remarkably well!
She's completely deaf due to an ear problem very early on in life and she has a head tilt (difficult to photograph cos she doesnt lift her had up completely) and one of her eyes isnt quite right - I didnt really notice yesterday, but it looks sort of cloudy, but I'm sure they didnt mention anything to do with her eyes (mind you, they did come with their 4 children

the youngest of which was 2 and I was finding it difficult to concentrate LOL! )- anywyay I'm going to phone them to ask before they go away.