Well I've been to the vet with Sasha today and there is something wrong with both her eyes! (I phoned the owners before they went to Oz and they hadnt noticied anything particular wrong with they eye I thought looked cloudy) - the eye that is cloudy has at some point been ulcerated and there is likely little or no vision in that one, the other eye (which I thought looked relatively normal) actually has a cataract forming - plus there is bleeding behind the retina, and probably some vision in this eye - at the moment.
so on that basis vet checked her blood pressure - of course it was sky high!! - that would account for the yowling through the night (and day sometimes!). I then requested blood test for kidney function etc plus T4 for thryoid, plus she had a cat flu/enteritis booster and some drops to put in her ulcerated eye
She's been given Amlodipine (sp?) for her blood pressure - never used this before, anyone any experience with it? Its a human drug apparently, and I had to sign a disclaimer. Oh, and she has a heart murmour! We await the kidney/T4 tests results.......
My vet did wonder if it would be better to have her pts - but, in the little time she's been here, she seems to have adapted remarkably well, considering she has more disabilities than I previously thought and she's had a lot to go through lately. She's eating really well, she purrs like mad when I stroke her, rolls over on her back, she doesnt appear stressed in any way. She certainly doesnt seem like a cat who wants to give up.