Author Topic: please help me decide what to do :-(  (Read 5705 times)

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2010, 16:16:37 PM »
. at the moment hes eating 2-3 rabbits and maybe 1 pigeon (or any bird he can get) plus the occassional mouse/shrew/vole/rat each week (well this is what i find the remnants of in the garden  :innocent: ).

Blimey! sounds like he's got a great diet already! Check out those links that Firefox posted about raw feeding and also have a look at this one . As Gill said, raw bones are fine (if he's eating rabbits etc, then he's eating bones already), but definitely not cooked.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2010, 15:05:11 PM »
some rescues will help you find someone without him going into a cattery they can advertise him on webistes for you and still home check - what area are you in?

Offline kel1982

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2010, 15:01:59 PM »
he is wormed once a month with milbemax (think thats how its spelt) and he is frontlined ever 4-6 weeks. the vet said we needed to worm him very regularly with good quality wormer as he hunts and we have 2 young daughters (5 and 6)

what waiting list should i add him to? i dont want him going to a cattery i would want him rehomed straight from me, and i cant get him fostered out to anyone with any other cats either as he hates them and its not fair on him. if the petalcleanse doesnt work, i will be placing him on rehoming boards. i certainly wont be going for a freeads/preloved type of site. id never know where he may end up  :(

Offline Dawn F

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2010, 14:24:50 PM »
even if you are trying petalcleanse its probably still worth getting him on a waiting list - if a place comes up and it is all going well you don't have to take it

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2010, 12:23:00 PM »
Cooked bones are very dangerous but apparently raw ones are Ok!

he will need regular flea and worm treatment if he is eating all this wild life and it needs to be the good stuff , not Bob Martin or similiar.

Offline kel1982

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2010, 11:30:24 AM »
ok, right now we dont have the spare cash, but in a month or so hopefully we will have as the dogs vet bill will be settled and i will get hol dof some petal cleanse. i think i may keep him on the biscuits in the morning and then possibly raw feed in the evening. i really would worry i was feeding him wrong,i can always cut down his biscuits gradually. at the moment hes eating 2-3 rabbits and maybe 1 pigeon (or any bird he can get) plus the occassional mouse/shrew/vole/rat each week (well this is what i find the remnants of in the garden  :innocent: ). he also has chicken or turkey at least once a week.

arent bones a bad thing to feed to pets though? are there any in particular i should ask for? and would i break them up or just give them to him? sorry for all the questions  :)

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2010, 22:51:46 PM »
so if i was to go to a butcher and ask what offel they have and a price for him, would that be ok to keep him on

Offal should be a small percentage of the diet (3 or 4 times a month max) as it is high in Vitamin A which can cause health problems.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2010, 18:05:46 PM »
there is no way i can afford what has been mentioned on here. infact even the petalcleanse is out of our budget right now 

Petal cleanse isnt expensive, at Petmeds its £13.39 fpr a 350ml bottle - and I'm sure if you shop around you'll find it even cheaper than that. That size bottle is going to last ages for just one cat, even using once a day as recommended. Surely it would be worth trying?

i can vouch for this too, my best friend- before he moved away >:( was very allergic to cats- full body hives after just being in the same room for a few minutes. swelling and sneezing etc if he touched them at all
i was only using the petal cleanse once a week but the difference after a few applications was amazing. after about a month he could play with the cats and tolerate them on his lap for 10-15mins without breaking out or sneezing at all. just being in the same room all evening didnt affect him. if you can manage the cost it really does work. it doesnt smell strongly- you wont notice it on the cat, its certainly not unpleasant. yep just wet a cloth and wipe on. the cats didnt love it but neither of mine have objected too much especially if theres a treat or a cuddle involved.
is your husband allergic? does he get on with your cat? if he does and they do interact at least dudleys getting some affection and he might be harrassing you because you dont want him!! mine are most loving when im busy and ignoring them!   :evillaugh:

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2010, 18:00:07 PM »
There are many many pedigree cat breeders and several Purrs regulars who raw feed successfully without any commercial food at all, tho the Americans do seem to add lots of complicated supplements. Gillian (Ambercats) is more knowledgeable that I on this subject and has often posted links to sites and generally been very supportive to newbie raw feeders!  ;D 

My understanding that is that a raw diet can be safe and complete nutritionally, providing that you get a balance between muscle meat, bone, fatty skin and the different organ meats: heart is very important for taurine and not too much liver as this can provide excess fat soluble vitamins. If you were still nervous of taking the plunge you might experiment with adding in a grain free kibble such as Orijen or Applaws - I feed a mix of Orijen and raw, but am moving towards more and more raw as Noah just adores it!

IIRC the theory is that both grains and cooked proteins are not a natural part of a cat's diet (obligate carnivore) so may stress their system and this will show in any organ of excretion, the skin being one and digestive system another. I can personally vouch for a massive change in Noah's litter tray when I started on raw, so :crossed:  you notice your allergies to your cats skin/ fur improve over time! Of course this isn't proven to benefit allergies, but if you are comfortable feeding your cat a partially raw diet anyway (and he obviously chooses it for himself when he dines out!!), then it could be worth a shot?

Some links that were recommended to me:
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 18:01:42 PM by Fire Fox »
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline kel1982

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2010, 17:23:02 PM »
he already has a lot of raw food in his diet, he hates all red meat, not sure if thats a cat thing or just a dudley thing  :innocent:

he has raw chicken, giblets aswell, turkey, and the giblets there too. he catches a lot of his own aswell, it would seem rabbit and pigeon are number 1 on his menu, and he brings home several each week. i guess it saves on the food bill, but it means i worm him once a month to make sure hes clear of them. so if i was to go to a butcher and ask what offel they have and a price for him, would that be ok to keep him on, and leave out the tins of meat and dry biscuits? i would worry he wasnt getting enough vitamins or a balanced diet, but if he would be ok on this id like to leave out the rubbish they add to the processed foods.

i would do it for the dogs too but both are sick after eating any raw meats so they will be staying on their dry biscuits.

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2010, 16:53:23 PM »
Is a raw diet within your budget? If you look at the price per kilo and price per portion (you usually feed less raw than commercial) it can work out cheaper than buying tinned and dry in, depending what brands you use. Not every cat takes to a raw diet right away, but my Noah purrs and others apparently growl!  :Luv:

Food4Cats do a 3.2kg sample pack delivered for £10: my large male cat has 200g per day so a little really does go a long way. The £10 is then refundable against your next order - I just ordered another 6.4kg for just £9 delivered! :wow: If you are willing to read up and have a friendly butcher you could feed both the cat and dog even cheaper, you need a mix of raw meaty bones plus offal such as heart liver and kidney. Some butchers will give you a lot of this stuff for free, others charge a nominal amount. Otherwise you can get frozen Value/ Basics chicken portions for just £1.40 per kilo and add some offal - you do need to get a balance of fat, meat and bone hence the research.
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline kel1982

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2010, 15:46:07 PM »
there is no way i can afford what has been mentioned on here. infact even the petalcleanse is out of our budget right now 

Petal cleanse isnt expensive, at Petmeds its £13.39 fpr a 350ml bottle - and I'm sure if you shop around you'll find it even cheaper than that. That size bottle is going to last ages for just one cat, even using once a day as recommended. Surely it would be worth trying?

 :-[ yes, this is out of our budget  :-[ i have already priced up in shops and online  :-[ we have to save for yearly jabs etc, to say things are tight is an understatement  :( its very embarrassing for me to say i cannot afford to get these things, but we save a bit up as we go along, only our old dog has used up every scrap of spare money we had and then some and we have just recieved the last invoice from her last visit for another £30+. we are now saving up the money to have her PTS if she gets any worse with her arthritis in her legs, we need to have that money as we cant let her suffer if she does go downhill.

i have tried a few different anti-histamines, im now on lorotadine (i think thats what its called) which has been the best so far. and i have nasal sprays and eye drops, and i use cream too when he sets me off real bad.

like ive said, if he wasnt a lovey cuddly cat, it would be ok as i wouldnt have him parking his furry face under my nose as soon as i sit down, but hes such a loved up friendly boy he seems to crave human attention (or the dogs if we are busy  :innocent:)

i havent made up my mind, not 100%, i just cant bring myself to do it so i need to think it over some more (even though ive been thinking it over for over 6 months now!) i just feel bad because in my head, im giving him up because he loves us too much which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever  :-:

i have asked a few people what they would do, and so far everyone but 1 has said they would rehome him to someone who he can snuggle into and can enjoy him, the other 1 person said they got the same with an old cat of theirs years ago, and they just shut it out in the garden at all times. they would feed it out there, and it wasnt allowed into the house even in the coldest of weather, to me this is cruelty and im not prepared to do this to him. he is shut downstairs as i cant have the cat hair on the beds and im 99% sure thats where he would end up if he could so we just have a ban on pets upstairs and we keep doors shut.

i will talk to my husband and see if we can find the money to try the petalcleanse stuff, but im not holding my breath. im not sure duds would enjoy having it put on him either, does it have a scent at all? ive read you just wet a cloth with it and then wipe it over them. i think i could do it to him as long as it doesnt smell.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2010, 13:15:35 PM »
Kel if you have decided that you must rehome you need to get on a waiting list asap - what area are you in, that would help

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2010, 13:09:23 PM »
there is no way i can afford what has been mentioned on here. infact even the petalcleanse is out of our budget right now 

Petal cleanse isnt expensive, at Petmeds its £13.39 fpr a 350ml bottle - and I'm sure if you shop around you'll find it even cheaper than that. That size bottle is going to last ages for just one cat, even using once a day as recommended. Surely it would be worth trying?

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2010, 13:08:02 PM »
Hi, welcome to Purrs

I too have quite bad allergies, which have got considerably worse in the last few months, I'm currently having allergy tests but the doctors suspects it is cats and dogs, (we have dogs in our office).

I've used petal cleanse in the past and its worked well, why I am not using it now I don't know  :tired: I need to get some more.

I'm currently on a high antihistamine, eye drops, nasal spray and steroid cream.

Personally I am prepared to do all I can to get the bottom of my allergies but I have already told the doctor I am not prepared to rehome my cats, (if I was allergic to a baby they wouldn't take it away  :evillaugh:), so I am prepared to put up with my allergy for my boys, but I think it depends on how much "putting up with" you can manage.

Adelcatsprotection said if you do make the decision (and don't beat yourself up about it you are ultimately doing the right thing for you cat) then make sure you use

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2010, 12:31:05 PM »
Hey hun,

I do vouch for Petal Cleanse as well and use it quite often. I have lots of allergies to various things and I find that my resitance gets built up to certain antihistamines and so I have to try a number of different ones regularly (currently on Morrison's own which are fab!)

It sounds like you may have already made the decision though.... if that's the case then it's a case of finding a good home for him. Of course you're right to be concerned in terms of the upheaval for him, but my cat is also an absolute NIGHTMARE with other cats, but not dogs and came to me described as a stressed cat and she was curled up at the end of my bed the first night - they are truely amazing at adapting to new situations  :Luv2:

I'm unsure whereabouts in the country you are, but trying reputable rescues on would be good. If you'd like to re-home him yourself then please be very wary of using any freead sites - they are rife with unscroupulous people looking to sell cats on...

Let us know what you decide hun and there'll be plenty of support here. I've had to give up a cat before due to my own not accepting him and it is awful, but now knowing he's safe in a home is a blessing as well xxx
Visit the cats and kittens looking for homes in the Leeds area at

Offline kel1982

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2010, 10:52:54 AM »
no i havent got the dates mixed up, once i had gotten over the extreme allergies which took maybe 6 months to a year (couldnt enter a room where pets had been and was ok to be near my dog again) i thought i would try with a cat. i was ok, had very little effect on me, i visited my dad who had 2 cats and would sit fussing them with near enough no issues. christmas day 2006 my uncle rang me, saying he had just rescued 2 male kittens, they were in a house with another 2 older cats who were out for blood by the sounds of it, and he decided to take the kittens on for the owner so they were safe. after a couple of days, the 2 kittens were wrecking his house, so he didnt want to keep both and asked me if i knew anyone who may want a cat. my previous cat was knocked down and killed on a main road, and i vowed until i moved to a quiet safer area i wouldnt have another (we moved to where we are now 2 weeks before christmas 2006) so we decided to give it a go.

mr dudley fitted right in, he stayed an inside cat until he was 6 months old as i wanted him neutered and fully vaccinated before he went out. he was a perfect little boy, loved fuss, loved attention, cuddled up, the most perfect cat we could have asked for. i had few issues unless he was right under my nose, and even then i just got a little stuffy.

over the past year or so, for some unknown reason my allergies have started to play up a bit. im ok with my dogs apart from when we clip my westie, my face swells, i cant breathe properly, my skin itches. im even allergic to my fish  :shocked: i know, odd, its the nitrates in the water, badly effects my skin so when i do tank maintainence i have to wash my arms straight away afterwards. docs keep saying to just take the same anti-histamines that i use for my hayfever.

my allergic reactions to mr dudley have been getting worse and worse, sometimes i can be near him with little effect, other times if he sits on one end of the sofa and im on the other, i will start wheezing and itching. so when he comes up to me doing the cute face nudging nose butting thing  :Luv2: , i have to push him away. its becoming more and more frequent, and i dont feel its fair on him as he has always been a very close and cuddly boy. he always looks at me like 'what have i done'  :'( i feel so guilty.

there is no way i can afford what has been mentioned on here. infact even the petalcleanse is out of our budget right now  :( hes been a big part of our family for over 3 years now, and its not an easy decision, but it does seem rehoming is the way to go for our situation. we have an elderly dog who is needing frequent vet trips at the moment and she is taking up a lot of money, money which we didnt have to spare in the first place.

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2010, 21:02:22 PM »
There is anecdotal evidence of giving a cat a raw diet helping reduce allergies in the owner. Might be worth a shot alongside the Petal Cleanse suggestion?
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2010, 20:18:39 PM »
That's something I've considered Mark and as far as I know trials have been very successful but it is a lot of money for most people. Can't see it being funded by the NHS for treating a pet allergy, they'll just tell you to get rid of the cat :tired:

I take Piriton almost every day, like Gillian, my allergy developed as a teenager and later I developed asthma too. I have built up a lot of resistance though and it's only very bad if I accidentally put my fingers in my eyes or if I'm sick. I am going to give Petal Cleanse a go too, just waiting to have the spare pennies (does anyone know anyone who will give me a blinking job!).

It is a very hard decision though if it is severely affecting your quality of life.

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2010, 08:50:12 AM »
There is a treatment which involves being injected with low doses of the allergen to build up your resistance. I don't know how effective it is and there are no testimonials here but it sounds hopeful - It does cost £300 though. not sure if it can be funded through the NHS but it might be worth asking.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2010, 00:21:29 AM »
sorry a bit confused cos you seem to have got the cat after the allergy started  :shify:

why was that or have you got the times confused  :innocent:

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 22:21:41 PM »
I can vouch for Petalcleanse, I'm allergic to cats, have been since I was a teenager, I think I've built up a bit of immunity now though as I don't react nearly as badly as I used to then, and I don't need to use Petalcleanse as often now, but I still keep it up because it does help. It helps to reduce the allergens over time, so if you do give it a go don't expect it to start working straight away, it needs about 2-3 weeks for the number of allergens to reduce. . Anyway, it would be worth a try before you decide on the rehoming.  :hug:

Offline kel1982

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 22:03:27 PM »
ive been allergic to most pet fur since i had my 2nd daughter 5 years ago, but cats and dogs are the best (cant even go into a room with a rabbit in it!) and i am ok as long as he isnt too near me. ive never heard of petal cleanse, thats a new one on me. the doctor has said to keep taking anithistamines, but they really dont do much. sometimes im worse than others, im not sure exactly what it is that sets me off.

he just wants attention so much, and he tries so hard to be near me. he isnt supposed to be upstairs but my 5 and 6 year old daughters leave doors open all the time and last week i found him curled up on my pillow  :doh: had to change all the sheets as i would have been a walking red itchy blob by morning and no doubt my husband would have wheezed through the night too as he has asthma.

my poor mr dudley just longs to be fussed over and snuggled and he cant be, its so sad as he has so much love to give. its such a shame as if he was one of the many stand-offish type cats he would be great but he loves people  :Luv2:

the thing is if i did rehome him, he would have to be the only cat, he loathes other cats and kittens, male or female. yet he adores dogs  :Crazy: i also think it may take him a long time to settle in a new home and id be worried he may make a bid for home if he got out in the first weeks (though wet food is definately the way to his heart to make friends with him  :hug: )

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Re: please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 21:37:55 PM »
Kel, did you develop the allergy? it must be awful to be allergic to a cat when you love it so much. Have you talked to your doctor about any other treatment available for allergies? Also, have you tried using Petal Cleanse on your boy?

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Offline kel1982

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please help me decide what to do :-(
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 20:57:03 PM »
i have a 3 year old male cat, hes such a lovely beautiful cat, we have had him since he was 8 weeks old. he is great in every way, but i have a problem. i am allergic to him. i cant do much with him apart from the occassional stroke and fuss. my face swells, i end up wheezing, and my skin itches. this wouldnt be a problem if he wasnt a fussy cat, but he adores attention and is always trying to come for love and cuddles and its heart breaking having to push him away  :(  i take anti-histamines and it has very little effect.

i have spoken with my husband and asked him what he thinks (the cat is mine, hes a right mummys boy  :Luv2: ) he said he doesnt really think much one way or the other.

i am considering re-homing him to someone who can give him the love and attention he craves, but im not sure i can just do it, its going to break my heart. i was just wondering what everyone on here thinks. do i rehome him to someone who can have snuggles and cuddles like he loves to have, so he can nudge at their face and purr in their ear, or do i keep him myself and try to ignore my problems and give him the attention he wants?


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