I have lost count of the toys and earky one bought 4 wiggly waggk]lers so they all had one each and nobody like them at all.....sigh......so now just get what I think someone will like!
Beds grrrrrrrr are a very sore subject and the birmans can with one small pyramid but dont like it and Sasa used tro sleep in a bed against the radiator pipe last year but hasnt been in it since this time last year.
Have two others of these beds up stairs, one for Franta and one for Ducha. Ducha used the one I got for Franta so bought another and he used that too and Franta wont use them, he also nicked the laudndry basket full of fur covered what evert that Misa then Franta used to use..........sigh.
Sasas fav place is on a leather footstool next to the radiator in front room and when I am in there she uses the sofa in here,
Franta like the big cushion by the radiator in here, the study. and currently is crsping his tail end against the radiator
Misa is half in his filing tray and half on the desk and will use my puter chair at night ot the bottom layer of the filing trays, He also likes the hidy place on the big cat tree f its warm enough.
I cant walk in front room for toys all over the floor
The tent is in an away period cos gives me more space.............I think