Author Topic: Asbo now called Andy the Stray Tom! Has a forever home  (Read 58330 times)

Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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Re: Does it vary in the CP branches if they PTS FIV stray cats?
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2010, 14:49:33 PM »
but the vet was only keen to pts, as I understood it, in the interests of trying to eliminate FIV from the cat population -

How narrow minded of a vet! You would think they would know more about FIV these days, we all know FIV cats can and do live happy long lives  :(

Have to say if one of mine was found to have FIV, they would be going nowhere! Ollie has been tested for FIV but negative, although I do believe he had/ has something as my other 2 kittens got very sick when I got Ollie, resulting in the death of one of them  :(
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 14:52:33 PM by CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls »
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Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Does it vary in the CP branches if they PTS FIV stray cats?
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2010, 14:46:52 PM »
I think vets play a big part in decisions about FIV too - the vet of the rescue I got Tosker from tested him, at my request, for FeLV, Coronavirus and FIV, and when I spoke to them myself the vet was very much in favour of pts positive FIV cats (though this would not have been permitted by the rescue had Tosker been positive)

but the vet was only keen to pts, as I understood it, in the interests of trying to eliminate FIV from the cat population - and it would not have been an issue for a cat who would not be able to infect others

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Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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Re: Does it vary in the CP branches if they PTS FIV stray cats?
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2010, 14:40:43 PM »
I doubt the cp would take in a feral as they say they are not good in their pens and cant rehome them  :shy:
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Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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Re: Does it vary in the CP branches if they PTS FIV stray cats?
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2010, 14:36:45 PM »
Right when I got Seb neutered I was told if he tested pos he would be pts, this was taking him to the vets and the cp paying for his test and neuter. So I told them under no circumstances did I want him pts! So I told the vets if he was pos I would pay for his op as the cp would not neuter him if he tested pos for FIV.

The cp do the FIV tests before neuter as they say there is no point in neutering if they are FIV pos- obviously as they would put him to sleep.

So I asked the vets to phone the cp and once that had been done and I said I would pay and also take him home myself, the cp agreed that he would not be pts- its a kind of waste of money for them to neuter a cat with FIV  :shocked:

Do make sure when he goes to the vets, whoever takes him, they know exactly what has to be said/ done, if possible get this sorted out with the cp before going to the vets.

Seb already had his card marked to be pts if FIV before I took him there, good job I didn't just walk straight out and leave him there  :(

Of course I didn't know any of this it was when I had Blackie and only told he would be pts if pos, then he was already at the vets! Thank God he was neg  >:(

My local cp I am talking about here  :)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 14:39:28 PM by CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls »
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Re: Does it vary in the CP branches if they PTS FIV stray cats?
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2010, 14:11:20 PM »
So if we get Asbo neutered and tested and if ok was let back out as a stray here do you still think he would fight my two lads?  Garfy is the one that is on guard at night outside and he is the one that fights him. Marl tends to stay in warm at night with me but has fought Asbo stray tom on a few occassions. Both are very causiously going out now in their own garden :( One big worry for me is with my lads fighting him and he is positive :(

If he is tested and it's positive, i don't like the idea of Asbo being PTS as he is young and fit lad but none of us here could home him esp if he's positive so it would down to us to find a FIV home for him quick as the vets won't hold him after the op.

If he's negitive is it right to just out him back as a stray and no rehome being i think he can be homed with "training"

I am not sure whats best for him.
The 1st thing we do need to do is get him done and tested but what to do with him after is a big worry.  :scared:

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Re: Does it vary in the CP branches if they PTS FIV stray cats?
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2010, 13:31:55 PM »
Which bit do you disagree with Desley......... that it varies between branches or that its almost guaranteed that if they test they pts?

The only way of knowing is to ask and if they test and say they dont pts, to ask what they do with these cats or why they test  :scared:

TBH its not worth testing unless thay have isolation for these cats to stay in until adopted cos they would be wasting precious funds.

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Does it vary in the CP branches if they PTS FIV stray cats?
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2010, 13:23:57 PM »
Glad to hear the Tom is ok for now Tan.   I'm not sure how it works in my area but I do know that they would put the cat back in it's environment if people will feed as they are always full - that is what's happened for us.  Don't know the criteria regarding testing and the outcome though, that has never been mentioned and as far as I know testing not done - unless it's the same as for Desley's only done when it is suspected?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 13:26:24 PM by Janeyk »
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Re: Does it vary in the CP branches if they PTS FIV stray cats?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2010, 12:31:57 PM »

It also varies between branches but you can almost guarantee that if they test they also PTS cos otherwise they would not test.

I disagree with this, I know my local CP have rehomed cats that have tested positive, and one that was old and ill with cancer as well as FIV was allowed to live his life out. They did have a policy of only testing suspect cases though, they didn't test everything. Some charities see it as important to know before rehoming, as it obviously changes how they rehome (indoor only, only cat).
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Re: Does it vary in the CP branches if they PTS FIV stray cats?
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2010, 12:21:07 PM »
You are right Tan it varies from place to place. We have one of the CP rehoming centreas at Bridgend, think thats where, and any cat suffering from FIV is PTS.

Its nothing to do with how full they are they do it all the time and not many people know.

It also varies between branches but you can almost guarantee that if they test they also PTS cos otherwise they would not test.

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Re: Does it vary in the CP branches if they PTS FIV stray cats?
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2010, 12:14:05 PM »
I think the policy does change from area to area. Also, the sheer volume of cats looking for homes might potentially influence the outcome. I'm not 100% sure though.

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Asbo now called Andy the Stray Tom! Has a forever home
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 11:51:53 AM »
I have contacted my local CP about the stray entire Tom we have in our neighbourhood.  I and a few of the neighbours are trying to get him at the mo to get him done and to hopefully rehome him.  Three of us are feeding him and he is staying at night in one of the houses as their cat Sam is much older and is tollerating him being in the house so he is out of the cold when he wants to be on a temp basis.

The stray is very scared of hoomans but has started to let the lady who's house he is getting warmth in aproach him and stroke him so we know he is rehomable. She has called him Asbo!! Sadly she doesn't want another perminant cat.  Asbo is in good health, coat is good and he is def not underweight. We have asked about and put posters up (can't get a paper collar on) but noone has come forward as the owners.

Asbo  fights my lads and is terorizing the others in the area so i can't take him in here.  My lads are getting scared to go out in their cat proofed garden which they have never got out of but this Tom climbs up a flat brick wall on to the 9ft high net fencing and gets out that way.  :-:

I rang CP for a bit of advice and to see about borrowing a trap, they said that if he went into the vets under them to be neutered and tested for FiV etc, He would be put back after neutereing in our area and not taken in to be rehomed also that if he was positive for FIV he wouldn't come out of the vets.  :( I didn't think CP did this but it is because they are full??

« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 13:15:40 PM by Tan »


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