Author Topic: I love pet plan!!  (Read 3234 times)

Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: I love pet plan!!
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2010, 20:38:29 PM »
I have had no probs with M&S paying emergency vet fees without me calling them first. I never called the emergency no at M&S but i think when they looked at his circumstances it was obvious it was an emergency and there was no problem. Guess its just to try and stop people who just want their pet seen when not an emergency and the insurance company having to pay.

No matter what insurance company you go with there will be people who love them and people who hate them. A lot is down to personal expectations

I work as a claims handler in an Insurance company and beleive me i have seen it all and beleive me some people are extremley unreasonable. Some people try to claim for anything possible and also fraud is a huge issue

Zoe, Ollie and Tyler

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: I love pet plan!!
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2010, 19:38:53 PM »
I dumped m&s when they changed underwriters, upped prices, got rid of the no excess and made stupid conditions like having to phone a helpline before taking emergency out of hours care.

I did the same for the same reasons, Millys Mum.  I'm now with AXA and have just made my first claim: I'll let you all know if AXA kicks up rough in any way.
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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: I love pet plan!!
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2010, 19:02:04 PM »
I have had my two insured since they were kittens and they are now 6 years onl and now is the first time I have had to claim. I am with Marks and Spencer and have premier cover at £9 for Ollie and £8 for Tyler

Since November M&S have paid out over £2500 fro Ollie with his epilepsy and there service has been great. They were exremly comforting when i had to call to tell then the cost of Ollies hospital bill as it was over £1000 they like to to advise them in advance of he bill. They were comforting as i was so upset and could hardly talk as i was cying so much as i was scared of losing my we baby that day

I work in insurance claims and i know the most expensive is not always best

Im v.surprised to still hear of a happy m&s pet insurance customer!  :faint:
I dumped m&s when they changed underwriters, upped prices, got rid of the no excess and made stupid conditions like having to phone a helpline before taking emergency out of hours care. I know what i wouldnt be doing in an emergency and thats waiting in a call line for someone who cant see my pet agree its an emergency  :Crazy:

Like babybritish iv had amazing service from petplan over the last 2 years, not one quibble over lolas specialist care and i had the cheque clear intime to pay the credit card bill which for many people would be a lifesaver.

I cant comment on axa yet but gooey will be having a first claim soon, i wouldnt say they are cheap as gooey is little shy of £15 a month  :tired:

Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: I love pet plan!!
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2010, 18:41:31 PM »
I have had my two insured since they were kittens and they are now 6 years onl and now is the first time I have had to claim. I am with Marks and Spencer and have premier cover at £9 for Ollie and £8 for Tyler

Since November M&S have paid out over £2500 fro Ollie with his epilepsy and there service has been great. They were exremly comforting when i had to call to tell then the cost of Ollies hospital bill as it was over £1000 they like to to advise them in advance of he bill. They were comforting as i was so upset and could hardly talk as i was cying so much as i was scared of losing my we baby that day

I work in insurance claims and i know the most expensive is not always best
Zoe, Ollie and Tyler

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: I love pet plan!!
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2010, 18:22:01 PM »
What is so important also and especially in Marleys case is to make sure you have insurance from the start and I am a big advocate in getting cats insured.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: I love pet plan!!
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2010, 15:13:32 PM »
I've never been a PetPlan customer but I have to say I've only ever heard good things about them and in the world of insurance that's a pretty good claim to fame for them!

Edit: Meant to say poor little Marley's been in the wars a bit for such a tender young age :care:
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 15:15:17 PM by Tiggy's Mum - Helen »

Offline Baby British

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Re: I love pet plan!!
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2010, 12:25:50 PM »

The market rules in insurance and there are good and bad as in most things and of course one must always read all the small print.....just wish house and car insurance was as easy!

Quite right too! Obviously I can only speak from personal experience about Pet plan but have also heard good things about AXA. I've never looked into their prices specifically as fortunately I got Marley on a covered for life policy with pet plan before the majority of his problems came to light. I can pretty much guarantee that another insurer wouldn't touch him with a barge pole now anyway LOL

As stated there truly is good and bad in everything and it's imporatant to read up on exactly what you are subscribing to with these policies. Obviously this thread is only based on my opinion but Pet plan is what works best for me.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 12:27:13 PM by Baby British »

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: I love pet plan!!
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2010, 12:24:59 PM »

I know that there are numerous companies out there at the moment offering pet insurance, I also know that certain companies actually paying out is as rare as rocking horse poo!!! Pet plan may appear pricey at first glance but if you're looking for pet insurance combined with first rate service  it may just be worth giving them a call to see what they can offer you. I am certainly a very satisfied customer of theirs!!

I am pleased that you have had a good service with Pet Plan but the statement above is just incorrect and others like AXA are as good as Petplan just cheaper. They have paid out about £2k plus for Frantas treatment in the last year and there are many others who will testify to them paying out large sums.

The market rules in insurance and there are good and bad as in most things and of course one must always read all the small print.....just wish house and car insurance was as easy!

BabyBritish didn't say there were no other companies that were good, just that there were certain companies (not mentioned) which are reluctant to pay out.  I have also had excellent service from petplan in the past.  I am with Axa now but can't really comment on their service as I haven't needed to  make a claim.  I had a renewal through for  Mosi recently and was pleased that there wasn't a big hike in price.  It was something  like £75 a year.   

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: I love pet plan!!
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2010, 12:04:44 PM »

I know that there are numerous companies out there at the moment offering pet insurance, I also know that certain companies actually paying out is as rare as rocking horse poo!!! Pet plan may appear pricey at first glance but if you're looking for pet insurance combined with first rate service  it may just be worth giving them a call to see what they can offer you. I am certainly a very satisfied customer of theirs!!

I am pleased that you have had a good service with Pet Plan but the statement above is just incorrect and others like AXA are as good as Petplan just cheaper. They have paid out about £2k plus for Frantas treatment in the last year and there are many others who will testify to them paying out large sums.

The market rules in insurance and there are good and bad as in most things and of course one must always read all the small print.....just wish house and car insurance was as easy!

Offline Baby British

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I love pet plan!!
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 11:23:29 AM »
I have first hand experience of how invaluable pet insurance can be. Marley has been insured by pet plan since we got him as a baby and since then we have received in excess of £1000 for his skin and food allergy treatment, ringworm treatment and an umbilical hernia repair.

I know a lot of people quibble over pet plan due to their costly premiums but I have found the speed and efficiency that they deal with claims to be second to none and they DO actually pay out (which is a bonus!). Without this insurance chances are good Marley wouldn't still be with us as no way could we have afforded the costly treatment straight off our own backs  :(

Today I called pet plan as Layla's free insurance period is due to end soon and I wanted to extend the policy. I had already obtained an online quote from them for £14.83 which included a multi pet discount with Marley (his policy cost £17.68 pm but this is nothing in comparison to what we have already had back!). The lady on the phone quoted £15 something for Layla's policy so I asked if it would benefit me to set up online as it had worked out cheaper, she then agreed to match the price there and then. Happy days. Apparently this also then qualified for a further discount on Marley's policy reducing it to £16.68 pm, happier days still! The lady then went off to talk to her superior about applying these reductions and when she came back announced that we qualified for further discount still on Layla's policy bringing it down to £13.83 pm!!

I know that there are numerous companies out there at the moment offering pet insurance, I also know that certain companies actually paying out is as rare as rocking horse poo!!! Pet plan may appear pricey at first glance but if you're looking for pet insurance combined with first rate service  it may just be worth giving them a call to see what they can offer you. I am certainly a very satisfied customer of theirs!!
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 11:37:43 AM by Baby British »


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