When I was a the vet with Willow today, There was a couple in their 60's with a cat carrier. They were the only other people with a cat so we started comparing notes. They had driven over from Deal (about 20 miles away) as a stray they had been feeding had taken a turn for the worse
- they said they had made an appointment for Tuesday but the cat hadn't eaten a thing for 2 days and when they got up this mornig, his back legs had gone so they decided they couldn't let him suffer. The man said he would pay the £50 as it was the least he could do for an animal to relieve suffering. He was convinced the cat had been thrown out due to health issues and because it was old. I said if anything could be done, I would speak to our welfare about getting the cat in. The man assured me the cat was dying and on a one-way trip. I stroked the cat but there was no response at all
His wife said their last 3 cats came through neighbours moving away and leaving them behind in the garden
- He said he phoned the RSPCA but they said if they took the cats, they would PTS so the best thing would be to leave them alone as "cats can fend for themselves"
she said they decided to take the cats on themselves.
Anyway, they went in before me - 10 minutes later, the man came out alone and squeezed my shoulder on his way out
- I can only assume his wife went the back way as she was crying - I think the man came the front way just to say goodbye to me. He didn't stop at the reception so I assume the vet didn't charge them.