Funny Gill I broke a finger - the only bone I've ever actually broken - playing netball at school, too.
The grip thing is a teenytiny part of a fairly severe connective tissue disorder, though - I wear a splint on that hand which gives me a functional straight wrist but the fingers aren't much cop.
Ollie's visit to the vets was a bit of a fiasco - he started off swearing at me when I tried to put him in his carrier, swore at the vets some more, took his injection as quietly as a lamb but then went and did a great big poo in his carrier, which went EVERYWHERE. So then he had to go and have a shower in the vet's special bath and you can just imagine what he thought of that...
The vet thinks it may just be that the steroid has worn off, possibly because he's doing such a good job of putting some weight down - up to 3.6kg today, which is fab cos he's a big long cat and looked dreadfully skinny when he was down at 3.1. So he's had another jab and if steroids fortnightly keeps him happy and fit then that's what we'll do - he doesn't mind the jabs at all so if he keeps needing them I'll learn to do them - that would spare him the trip round the M60 every other week. So for now, no blood test - we'll review that if the steroids stop working so well. I'm not sure about the stress thing but I'll keep that in mind - you could well have a point there, Christine!