Sorry Ann - I know how you feel
I tried to take the car out today for the first time since last Saturday when we took Willow for her last trip to the vet. The carrier was still in the back with her bed. I had left it in the back of the car as there is still a bit of blood from her mouth on it and I didn't want OH to see it.
I completely understand what you mean about time. Although it is a week, it seems like forever. At times I feel guilty that I am smiling or laughing about things - I have to say that as bad as it is, it must be worse for people without another cat or cats as we have both been taking so much comfort from them. Although OH loves the cats, it is me that does most things for them but OH has become extra attentive and telling me to make sure the heating is on full 24/7 for Alice while she has a cold etc.
I am lucky in that I didn't have to go back to work although I have exams next week. I also tried not to be over-sensitive when I phoned my friend the other day. Her husband answered the phone. He said he had heard about Willow and made a stupid insensitive remark that it must be "Like losing a chicken"
- luckily I didn't go off at him as when I thought about it afterwards, he lost his 17 year old cat, Kev about 3 years ago - also with CRF, the difference was, Kev was on a drip and alone at a vet with no night staff. I think he may have been trying to be manly about the whole thing.
Anyway, sorry to hog your thread but I do understand. Even though we aren't believers, I have left Willow's bed by the radiator and we have both also told her that we would lover her back here with us if there was any way as we still love her so much.