Author Topic: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??  (Read 3354 times)

Offline Mollys Slave

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2009, 13:28:30 PM »
Some of these are making me go all smushy !!   I love the name Sparecat!!  That's ace!

Watching Ms Mols washing, then her coming up to give me a quick lick over - I love the feeling of her rough tongue - though when I'm in bed and she will occasionally start licking around my tummy / bellybutton - I've got to move her - it's just toooooo tickly .   :shify: :shify: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline harlequin

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2009, 12:37:16 PM »
For me, it would be when Spice jumps on my lap and then puts his front paws around my neck in a bid to 'hug' me! :Luv:

Offline Karon

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2009, 08:56:54 AM »
Yes, I think just having mine makes me grin every day, even when they bring presents :)  Baldrick and Ellis were lying in such cute positions last night, they just had to have a snuggle (Baldrick doesn't care what you do to him anyway, Ellis just humours me) - so sweet.  We had years without being bale to have cats because we lived in rented flats, so now I'm surrounded by cats again I'm happy.  

Offline clarenmax

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2009, 08:56:10 AM »
Poot is the funniest little man, every morning about 6.45 he'll come up to the bedroom chirruping his head off, then he'll jump up for a cuddle before I have to get up for work.  Every time he settles himself he makes a little cute squeaking noise, then gives me a headbutt  :Luv:  The other night he cracked me up as he jumped on the bed about 3am and headbutted me awake which was very funny  :evillaugh:

At mealtimes too he's very vocal, you can have a whole conversation with him, he's adorable  :Luv2: :Luv2:

Max also had his bedtime rituals, he'd spend more time sleeping on the bed than Poot does, but he would always insist on lying on my tummy, many times I'd wake up  under a stone of cat not being able to move as I didnt want to disturb him  :evillaugh:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2009, 08:35:24 AM »
Their little faces bring a grin to my face every day  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

Mosi, aka the naughtiest cat in the world, is also the sweetest cat in the world and is just a big baby who loves his cuddles really.  If he doesn't get enough he sits and prods me with his paw.  So cute  :Luv:

I love the way that Jaffa can't sit or lie and be stroked.  When I approach him he has to get up.  Not to walk away but to walk around in circles, rub his head against me and everything else and purr himself into zonked out state  ;D

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2009, 00:59:49 AM »
This whole thread is lovely!!  ;D

Noah makes me smile when I am sitting on the bed/ up in bed and he runs around the edge, so I have to invite him up several times whilst he looks all wistful and makes little miaows. Eventually he will jump up on the far side and run across chirruping, then squeezes on my lap regardless of whether there is actually any room! It's just so cute that he seems so keen to get to me but uncertain of his welcome. :Luv: Strangely Noah doesn't seem to have any qualms about leaping all over me uninvited and yowling when he thinks it's gone breakfast time!!

Also adorable is the way Noah purrs when I am preparing his raw food, 'kidnaps' all lumps of raw meat and runs about six feet across the room to chow down. There is no logic in the move as it isn't any more private than his eating area, I just like the natural instincts. :Luv2:
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline maryas

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2009, 21:11:05 PM »
I guess we all have a list as long as our arms but the main thing that puts a grin on my face with Bonnie is........................................

Just the plain simple fact that she is there.  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline snarf

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2009, 19:23:09 PM »
endless lists but a few are
lucife always being at the window by the front door when i come back from work and pacing, turning about and standing up against the glass as i get closer
Spare cat shouting at me the second i get home and continuing until lower her a hand for her to jump up and rub against
sparecat snoring
the crazy playing when they go skittering across the floor
giles always greeting me with ACK!
seeing giles enthusiasticaslly enjoy any food
the disgusting chewing while purring snuffly squelchy noises lucifer makes when you give him chicken
watching their blissed out contented faces as they sleep (i sound a little creepy here.... i watch you when youre sleeping  :evillaugh: )
waking up to find sparecat asleep curled around my hand and then when i try to regain my hand her gently standing on my hand to push it back by her belly (where it apparently belongs)
waking up to find lucifer asleep by my head so that he is the first thing i see when i open my eyes
lucifer/spare cat hiding behind the kitchen door to jump out at each other :rofl:

Offline Janeyk

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2009, 16:39:20 PM »
So many things do but I can't think of them off hand - one comes to mind though the faces Pepper pulls, he'll sit there and pull the strangest of faces  :evillaugh: before we adopted him his fosterer showed us how he would sit and look round.  It's the way he sits too and sometimes he does a right frown  :hug:  Byron is just so old and her little face always makes me smile too  :Luv: not very often now but occasionally she'll go and bat her Stinky round for a few minutes too and that makes me smile  :)
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Offline Sabrina (Auferstehen)

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2009, 16:35:42 PM »

When Lirael sleeps in my arms, her head next to mine on the pillow.

The only problem with this is when she starts cleaning herself and decides that my arm/face need cleaning as well – her tongue is like sandpaper.

Also when Smoke comes up and purrs when she sits in my lap.

Gizmo when he churps because I’ve not given him the attention he wants.

Penguin when he come up and demands fuss from me.

Offline Karon

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2009, 16:34:12 PM »
Loads of things :) 

Gomez coming into bed for a cuddle does, as he goes through stages of being such a wuss that he won't come out of hiding.   :Luv2:
Morticia has a Giddy Kipper that she adores and sleeps on, full length - she looks so cute covering the kipper up and then she'll wake up and beat it up, throw it round the room and stalk off in a huff :)  She'll glare at one of the boys if they arei n her box, or on her side of the bed, until they get the hint and move.  She never has to do anything, just look at them.     :evillaugh:
Baldrick wakes us up at stupid o'clock most mornings - it makes me grin when he wakes OH up instead of me  :rofl:  And he'll go round the furniture on his side, pushing himself round the furniture with his back claws/paws and then goes mental attacking anything in his way (human arms/legs etc).   :naughty:
Ellis is a wonky little cat who can't move one of his hind legs properly so he simply brings a grin to my face on the very rare occasions he manages to get enough motor control to scratch his own neck with that back leg :) 
My yard cats just make me smile every day when I think what they used to belike, especially one of them who was feral for many years before becoming tame.  They all come trotting out to meet the car, every time I turn up, and that will always make me smile.   :Luv:

All of them just crack me up when they're playing generally, though.  One of the yard cats will follow me round the field chasing little dried balls of horse muck which is hilarious, and I'm sorry to say I do laugh when she gets chased by magpies, too.  She trots along with her head down, pretending she's ignoring them while getting as close to me as she dares for protection  :rofl:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2009, 16:23:15 PM »
Amber sucking oh ear, it always makes me laugh!

Offline tab

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2009, 16:16:42 PM »
With Mogs its any time she comes for a cuddle. Well that and the yowling for food when she hasnt a clue what Im making.
Amber is the fact that I can cut her claws or put a tablet down her throat and she comes straight back for cuddles. I also love it when she gets in bed with me and cuddles rather than the claws

Offline Mollys Slave

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2009, 16:15:10 PM »
With Jess its just having a purr and a cuddle, and he makes me smile when he plays with Milo as its taken him a long time to get to that stage.

Milo has me in stitches all the time, and that makes me smile, the way he always has to sit on the toilet when Hubby has a bath, and when he gets into bed with us.

I love it when the boys cuddled up together like in the picture below that always makes me smile

That's a cracking big piccy Leane.  I love the one one on your profile - I always sleep on my sides/s - and lately, Molly has taken to lying the way your cats' profile pic is, but on the edge of my arm/shoulder - lying on top of me/my arm.  I inevitably awake, turn my head to look at her and she does of course, look down at me with the, "What are YOU looking at you lowlife" type look".      Best laugh is, when I turn over to move onto my other side, she sits there, just following with the roll (and yes, I like the obedient slave I am, I pull the covers to make sure she isn't displaced too much). 

Offline Leanne

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2009, 16:01:55 PM »
With Jess its just having a purr and a cuddle, and he makes me smile when he plays with Milo as its taken him a long time to get to that stage.

Milo has me in stitches all the time, and that makes me smile, the way he always has to sit on the toilet when Hubby has a bath, and when he gets into bed with us.

I love it when the boys cuddled up together like in the picture below that always makes me smile

Offline Mollys Slave

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2009, 15:59:17 PM »
Getting your first purr from a nasty feral,  seeing Sammy playing with the kittens - he is about 18 months and feral to boot :Luv2: and has been inside for nearly 5 months and is having a belated kitten hood - he just so loves the play tunnel

Yep Liz, I know that one too.  There is a stray that we feed and care for as much as he lets us - comes into the house during cold or bad weather, and it is heartwarming to see him on the back of the chair in the conservatory, out for the count, happy as can be, purring his head off with sheer contentment.

They are such wonderful creatures.

Offline Mollys Slave

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2009, 15:54:06 PM »
Hi Bungly cat!

Now that's something I can totally relate to - the diferent noises.   I go 'all smushy' inside when she does the 'mrrrph' type sound normally used for greeting another (liked) cat - when I come back into the house after being out, if she is in the house at the time, she  goes up on her hind legs to greet me, does the little 'mmmmrph' sound and heat butts my hands.  I love it.

I confess to loving (and laughing evil stylee)  -  when she's lying all comfy and I deliberately annoy her -  when she gives me the  angry evils  >:(  >:(  - I know if I push her, I'm liable to be put into place !! :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

Then thre's the the long drawn out pathetic impatient type mmmiiiiioooooooeeeeewwwwwWWWWWWWW,  louder at the end when she's wanting attention and she's getting cheesed off when she's being ignored (normally when I am on the pc- she stretches up,  pawing and clawing with the voice giving it big licks!).      she's normally greete with a  :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:   :-[ ;D :naughty:  I of course, ultimately give in and tease her (as though she understands) for being a big jealous lump!
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 15:56:40 PM by Mollys Slave »

Offline bunglycat

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2009, 15:27:19 PM »
Winston talks to me in so many different ways , he is quite high pitched for a boy and it sounds musical !!
FiFi is only interested in me when i get in bed then she comes for a cuddle as she knows i wount be grooming her or cleaning her eyes !!
Smartie  lifts his head up for a kiss and then when i turn my back he is laid on the floor with his legs in the air !
Seeing them all in a row in heated beds snoring in harmony  :rofl:

Offline Liz

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Re: What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2009, 15:23:36 PM »
Getting your first purr from a nasty feral,  seeing Sammy playing with the kittens - he is about 18 months and feral to boot :Luv2: and has been inside for nearly 5 months and is having a belated kitten hood - he just so loves the play tunnel
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Offline Mollys Slave

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What does your cat/s do that brings a huge grin to your face??
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2009, 14:39:02 PM »
Us cat lovers are suckers for the furry ones, this we know.   But what is it that you cat or cats do that make you burst into a big grin or burst out loud laughing.

For me, the list is endless.  One of the the things Molly does is - when she is in  a mischevious mood - I will walk through the dining room (open plan type area) - as I walk from one end of the room to the other - which means I have to walk 'around' the dining room table -  as I reach the door, she will come sprinting at high speed from under the dining table, jump up in the air with her front legs splayed out, to 'catch' me!   The second she makes contact with my knees/thighs... I'll grab her, ruffle her up, take her to the other side of the room again, and we repeat the whole game!!!!!   :evillaugh ;D :evillaugh: ;D :rofl:

I think I enjoy it more than she does!   It never fails to make me laugh and chirp me right up !
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 14:44:04 PM by Mollys Slave »


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