Well what started out as a call about a mum and 2 kittens under a portacabin has turned out to be sommat else entirely! When we got there it was a building site with work being done to an old abandoned building to bring it back into use. Behind it is an old derelict building with the only way in and out through a tiny air vent hole at the back of the building.
We didn't see any cats hanging around but did set up the bait and trap near to the air vent to see if we could get anyone. Though that said we reckoned it would be doubtful as it was very wet and cold. That said we did get a local domestic tom who wasn't too impressed at being caught in the trap but did enjoy his Salmon!!!
There has beena known feral colony down there for quite some time (years) but am unsure if anyone has been managing it. They essentially serve a role by keeping rats and mice down at the harbour and train station but it would appear there is a breeding boom going on!
Our plan is to head back down later on today as the weather is a bit brighter and warmer and see what we can spot. Chances are though that we don't have the resources or funding to sort the entire lot ourselves so am going to look into contacting a local CAT bod to see what help they can offer once we establish a bit more later today.
According to site workers the site is heaving with cats every morning they open the site and the mum in question is limping and has had 2 litters since July already.
Hopefully we may have a bit more luck later today, time will tell.