Ok, this is my first time on this forum so be nice. I have tried a different cat forum to get some help but no luck so trying this one as well.
I need some advice. Our previous cat used our bathroom mats as his toilet on a few occasions so in the end we gave up on buying new ones as it was getting pretty costly.
We got two kittens 2 months ago and to my knowledge they have been using only their litter trays from day one. Never caught them going anywhere else. So this Saturday after many months of being "bathroom mat free" we decided to be brave and buy a new posh bathroom mat only to catch one of the kittens peeing on it the following day!!!
Even when I wash the mat I will now be paranoid to put it back down on the floor fearing that they will just start using it as yet another litter tray as they will no doubt be able to smell the pee on it. Is there anything we can do other than give up on mats altogether? Any spray we could use?
I have read a few threads on this forum so I realise peeing can be a problem but I can't see what's so attractive about bathroom mats... There has been no change in their little young lives so can't be stress related. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.