I had a really bad night with Zia, she had eaten all her breakfast, so I thought we could skip Metacam again, but instead she yowled at me for her tea, then refused to eat it, but she woudlnt let me go near her, and even walked away from her food bowl when I walked into the room. She then yowled at me again when I came to bed, so decided to give her some Metacam, but she kept running away from me, ended up on my hands and knees under the computer desk to get it into her, and I dont think she ate that much overnight, certainly not as much as the day before. She hasn't touched that much of her breakfast either, despite me putting some adult biscuits in with her renal ones (that is a treat she doesn't get very often). So, even with Convenia, she can only manage 24 hours without Metacam, and if she is going to keep running away from me, then I dont know what I will do, it is quite soul destroying. She wouldnt even come on the bed till this morning, and then didn't sit in her usual place. :-( She has allowed me to stroke her this mornign which is good. The vet is off today, so I wont get the results until tomorrow.
Molly panicked me at 4am - she was sleeping around my head, and she started twitching and her breathing sounded different, so I woke her up!! She grumbled at me, and then went and got some food, before coming back to join me, so she must have just been dreaming.