I bought the pouches for Sam, he was so so with them, but the girls seemed to like it, till i bought them a box of each variety, now they dont want to know!! I think it is too hard for Zia. Am still worried about her, she is still limping, despite daily Metacam, her gums are still red, and she is getting very wary of me cos of putting the Metacam straight into her mouth (can't guarantee she will eat enough food if it is in). Her back end is looking very thin, and her fur is starting to get a bit knotty, but she wont let me touch it. I really dont like our locum vet though (had a fight to get a bottle of Metacam, as she forgot she had prescribed it!!), she is up to see the vet nurse for her weight and gums a week on Tues and take it from there, if she has lost weight, we will have to consider bloods, in case it is thyroid or organs, but am thinking this is the beginning of the end with her, especially as she isn't liking being medicated, she is 20 in April, so she has done really well. I think we might have to bring her bloods forward, she does keep going to the water bowl, although not sure just how much she is actually drinking, she has gone to it at least 4 times since i changed it this morning, but the level doesn't seem to have gone down all that much. hard to check her hydration levels as she is fed up of being grabbing her!!
No more signs of Sam spraying, him and Arthur have only had one spat this week, but my sis had to bring her dog round on Wed, cos we were having family issues, and despite my sis's 6mo JR pup being bigger than Sam, he went for him twice!! He clearly doesn't care he has no teeth to attack with, and he does sometimes get scratched in return. He has been very clingy the past couple of days, he can clearly pick up on my moods. I have had him for a whole year now too, will do a birthday post for him.