Oliver used to be a feline hoover when he was smaller, but as the time went by he became increasingly and remarkably fussy.
Once we decided to splurge on Almo Nature's main line, which costs a lot but they were recommended by many as the quality is very high with all pure ingredients. When I opened the tin I knew what they mean, they were obviously made with pure chicken tenderloins, trout fillets etc., they looked and smelled so good I could almost make salads and sandwiches with them.
However my enthusiasm was NOT shared by his highness, he flatly refused to even touch them on 3 different tries.
He does go off things he used to like a lot as well, strange as it seems, he is no longer interested in smoked salmons or prawns
At this moment he is quite content with Almo Nature BioPate, which is to me a great value for the price. Though the flavour selection is quite limited (just 3, tuna & chicken, tuna&mackerel, tuna&sardines) and I am quite worried that he may get bored with them at one point and if he does I wouldn't know what to do...
I try to have some variety and throw in some tinned pure mackerel, plain sauteed chicken breast, or Friskies main line in a tin (he always liked them a lot as it contains a lot of gravies and morsels are smaller, but I see the quality leaves much to be desired so I only give it to him occasionally).
With biscuits he is much less fussy, he just eats anything that's been served. (usually Matisse, an Italian brand which is again a great value made with 80% dehydrated chicken, fish meal etc.)
Luckily enough though whatever refused by his highness never goes to "waste", there are about 10 ferals live under our flat who know how to appreciate good food much better than our Mr. Spoiled, and they take care of them with a lot of vigour...