Author Topic: Get well messages for Teresa - now back in hospital - July 2010  (Read 355240 times)

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1841 on: January 25, 2010, 14:25:49 PM »
Very good point Teresa - I confess I've done exactly that - not thought it appropriate to bother you with messages and stuff and thinking you must be sick of the sound of us wittering on.  Sorry.  :hug:  :Luv:

Me too  :hug:
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1840 on: January 25, 2010, 14:18:25 PM »

Very good point Teresa - I confess I've done exactly that - not thought it appropriate to bother you with messages and stuff and thinking you must be sick of the sound of us wittering on.  Sorry.  :hug:  :Luv:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1839 on: January 25, 2010, 14:16:03 PM »
Right peeps Teresa wants emails/pms  ;D

Especially those which call on her enormous knowledge of cat stuff  :shify: :shify:

I do have to admit on the couple of times I have pmed you  Teresa I have been worried about making you more ill cos of strain of replying but will now wait for you to say no more LOL.  ;D

Onwards and upwards, so pleased you are on a better ward and yes take the fight up for the way you were treated but also on behalf of the other poor souls on that ward  :hug: :hug:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1838 on: January 25, 2010, 14:09:08 PM »
awww T, bet your inbox will be very, very full soon!! 

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1837 on: January 25, 2010, 14:02:21 PM »
Feeling brighter and more positive today and in much nicer ward with caring staff, my concern is for the poor old dears in the other ward with no one to fight their cause, for this reason alone I will complain. Must admit yesterday I was so low until Claire came to visit and I almost broke down, I told her about the escape and we laughed together.
Still not seen docter today but have been assured my specialist has now been notified I am here and so I will be seen. Huge lump on arm today second infection caused by canular.

Going to add in an extra bit trying to explain why I have been so down in the dumps during recent weeks.
I am used to being independant and leading an active life caring for the cats, I am used to having constant visitors, emails, pm`s. etc. since my illness it seems the world has decided not to disturb me in order to protect me,think this finally came to light yesterday anyway this left me feeling totally useless and very lonely. I may  be useless in many ways but inside I am the same old boot whose heart and brain wants to save the world, in short my brain still functions just :rofl: and I am available as I have always been.
 :hug: to All

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1836 on: January 25, 2010, 13:35:20 PM »
During time I have been here not seen by chest physician

This isn't good to hear either  :( >:(
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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1835 on: January 25, 2010, 13:23:25 PM »
I tihnk thats dreadful  >:( I do hope you complain.
It is though lovely to hear you fighting and you dont sound as deflated (defeated? I cant think whch word I want so whichever fits best sorry  :doh:) as before which is positive.
I hope the docs see you soon and you can get this bug beat
 :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1834 on: January 25, 2010, 13:19:37 PM »
You are right Sue , your occcupation should not have come in to it and a fair chance for all should be the norm.

It worries me because I have an elderly mother and also I am no spring chicken and older peopke are so vunerable. along with those who cannot help themselves.

Teresa and Hazel did a great thing but presumably Teresa was the less mobile of the pair and she got the worst treatment.......very ungood.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1833 on: January 25, 2010, 13:11:35 PM »

Sadly Gill, you're right - too much goes unreported, not least because sometimes patients are scared to complain in case their treatment gets worse.

When I was in a few years ago and saw some pretty eye-pening practices along similar lines to Teresa's experience, my friends were so concerned about the apparent and evident lack of care, that one of them left copious quantities of leaflets on my bed and around the ward about reporting clinical negligence and irresponsible patient care, with various local authority and helpline numbers printed on them.  Once the hospital consultant found out I worked for a law firm, there was a vastly noticeable change in the way I was dealt with, but this shouldn't have been necessary, then or now.   

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1832 on: January 25, 2010, 13:02:49 PM »
Afraid I wasnt laughing at all but 10/10 for fighting spirit Teresa.  :hug:

I think this is absolutely appalling treatment of any patient and that you havent even seen a doctor who is expert in your needs is also terrible.

Please get that complaint made asap and hope all of this has not had any adverse effects on your health. Get Rob on the case cos this needs to all change immediately............a call to one of the major papers would not go amiss and also a letter to your MP.

Too much is hidden about what really goes on in hospitals.

Sending lots of good vibes and hope your care and treatment improves  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1831 on: January 25, 2010, 12:53:09 PM »
On a positive note its bought back your fighting spirit so you go girl !!  :hug: xx

Absolutely  :hug:

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1830 on: January 25, 2010, 12:51:22 PM »
Oh my word!!  :evillaugh:

I knew you are someone special, but to be able to do all that whilst in hospital, attached to various bits of plumbing .....  :shocked: :rofl:


I do sympathise though with the seemingly total lack of care.  Had to spend a  night in the "psycho-geriatric" ward of a hospital after some injections (I have violent allergic reactions sometimes and it was the only available bed, or thats what they told me  ;)). 

One poor lady was away with the fairies and packing and unpacking her bag all night.  In the end I sat up with her and we just chatted.  It was far better that than a sleepless night

Lots of hugs coming your way and prayers for a better environment very soon!!   :hug:   :hug:  :hug: 
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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1829 on: January 25, 2010, 12:17:28 PM »
Oh T I know I shouldnt but your post made me laugh so much. Have these wonderful pics in my head of you charging down the corridor with cylinder in tow then diving thru the security guards legs  :rofl: :rofl:
That said the total lack of care is disgusting. Nurses have a "duty of care" to patients and that was clearly breached. No staff on the ward ??? Unbelievable !! On a positive note its bought back your fighting spirit so you go girl !!  :hug: xx
RIP Tigger Button Whisky Maisie, Merlin and Alfie Pawprints on my heart forever

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1828 on: January 25, 2010, 11:25:27 AM »

Digressing slightly,  but on a similar theme - giggle making anecdote from the actress Samantha Womack (Janus as was) on Mr & Mrs on Saturday night, relating how she was on her way to a job interview one day, but had changed her baby boy just before she left, on the back seat of her car.

When she arrived and was being interviewed, the interviewer said to her - "Er - you have something in your hair...."   "When she looked down she exclaimed "Oh - it's poo!"   She didn't get the job......    :rofl:

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1827 on: January 25, 2010, 11:13:10 AM »
As I've mentioned before, my cousin is a nurse on a palliative care ward. She regularly tells me about the other nurses who slack off, leaving her to do the larger portion of the work; difference is she goes above and beyond. There was an elderly lady on her ward that was feeling very low and liked teddy bears a great deal so on her way to work my cousin bought her a little one to rouse her spirits. I don't know many nurses that would do something like that. :Luv:

Sue's most definitely right, Teresa. I think you should complain too - the hospital staff shouldn't be allowed to leave people like that and manhandle them when the patient tries to leave to show they are unhappy with the level of care they are receiving. :hug: Hope you have a less eventful day today!

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Offline clarenmax

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1826 on: January 25, 2010, 09:32:10 AM »
You fiesty little thing you!! :evillaugh: Must have picked up something form all those ferals , but good for you and hope you are now getting the care you need and deserve! :hug:

Indeed, go T  ;D  :evillaugh:

Seriously though, I definitely do think you should complain, the treatment, or lack of it on that ward, sounds absolutely apallling  :hug:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1825 on: January 25, 2010, 08:57:36 AM »
Teresa that is a disgrace - I can't imagine how they treat people who don't have the ability to stand up for themselves

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1824 on: January 25, 2010, 07:29:47 AM »

Oh Teresa, you go girl!!!   :yayyy: :yayyy:  Am so glad it roused your fighting spirit too, and bless you for helping out the oldies.

Seriously though, having experienced a couple of similar incidents, I think it highlights the shocking state of hospitals today, and - whilst I have friends and family who are nursing staff - I still put it down to lack of ward order and a distinct lack of understanding and compassion on behalf of the nursing staff.   I know they nag on about how hard they work etc, etc but I believe that this is true of a smaller handful than they'd have us believe.  I wonder how they would like to be treated and manhandled in the way you were, or left to lie in urine soaked beds?  Simple answer is, they wouldn't.  Harrassed or not, they have no right to treat patients like that if they're not being approached with a machete or an intoxicated addict in a violent episode.

You should complain.  It's disgusting behaviour.  You haven't lost your marbles, and to tell you the police would bring you back is ludicrous!  If you are receiving inadequate and neglectful care (which it certainly sounds as if you are) then you have every right to leave, and an even greater right to complain.

But, thank you for making us all laugh, and it must've been a very disturbing incident for you, so topping up the hugs and the love coming your way.  Hang on in there, kiddo!   :hug: :hug: :cat rub: :cat rub:

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1823 on: January 24, 2010, 23:43:20 PM »
Crikey!  :shify: You will need to go home for a rest!  :evillaugh:

Im so glad your spirit it high T, thinking of you and wishing you well!  :Luv2: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1822 on: January 24, 2010, 22:40:52 PM »
You fiesty little thing you!! :evillaugh: Must have picked up something form all those ferals , but good for you and hope you are now getting the care you need and deserve! :hug:

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1821 on: January 24, 2010, 21:43:12 PM »
Blimey Teresa, being ill hasn't dampened your determination at all!

Good to hear you're on a ward they know you. Sending you huge hugs. :hug: :hug:

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1820 on: January 24, 2010, 20:54:26 PM »
On laptop now so able to type.
I have gone through being woken by having toes tickled to being dragged out for school by poop lady , yesterday 2 of us stuck in ward with 4 totally helpless oldies 3 of which needed help with toilet, one not allowed to walk as falling a big danger and of course she was the fattest and senile, we waited an hour for a nurse to respond to call bell, no one came, so Hazel (other patient) agreed to go and look for help while I manned ward with fattest senile lady trying to walk round and needing holding up and guiding to safe seat,meant I had to remove oxygen and endanger own health but somehow managed, Hazel returned and reported not a nurse on ward anywhere, bit later staff nurse appeared and we relayed what had happened and asked for help, staff nurse said all staff gone for break at same time sorry nothing she could do.She brought angry carers from break and they had wet beds to sort.
Hazel was moved to different ward leaving me behind to take the flack for their failings, this morning I could cope no longer even though was told I was being moved to gynocological ward because bed needed and I was not gastric case, I managed a heavy bag as well as pushing huge oygen bottle and managed to escape ward and get about 100yards down main corridor with few rests inbetween (a huge achievement for me) when nurse caught me and demanded I get back to ward now, I said no and she really shouted at me so I stuck to my guns and next thing big security man and her trying to drag me back, I told them "i am a human being and will be treated as such" anyway I was too much for them and 3 big security manhandled me into wheelchair which nurse was pulling backwards and 3 security walked facing my front with oxygen bottle; I watched carefully ,took my chance and tore my oxygen off before doing a rugby dive out of wheelchair and  under the guard to escape, sadly they caught me and I was duly slung on the bed and oxygen bottle confiscated. Staff nurse told me off and said if I did make it home police would bring me back, I was then sent to coventry, I put hospital radio on and as it was church service to be broadcast I switched headphones off and set volume to full ,everyone was treated to a church service  :rofl: I was safely delivered to gynocolgical ward who know me well and know I am not aggressive, I will be making a formal complaint. During time I have been here not seen by chest physician and infection more widespread.

Anyway I figure I am still a force to be reckoned with because it took a nurse and 3 security guards to capture me  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1819 on: January 24, 2010, 20:11:11 PM »
And usually you spend so much time looking for poo -  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Glad you have escape the crazies , if it took three security guards you must still have some fight left in you! :hug:

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1818 on: January 24, 2010, 20:02:38 PM »
Glad to hear from you T and hope you're ok now after all that!  :scared:  :hug:
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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1817 on: January 24, 2010, 19:39:47 PM »
Glad you've been moved now T, that doens't sound the most conducive environment for resting and getting better  :hug: :hug:

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Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1816 on: January 24, 2010, 19:37:16 PM »
Ewwww, a lady covered in poo. :sick: Glad you've been moved from the crazy ladys ward, Teresa. :hug:

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1815 on: January 24, 2010, 18:05:50 PM »
 :omg:  Sorry you've had such an unpleasant experience but glad you didn't take it lying down.  Do I detect a return of the old fighting spirit, the Teresa we know and love?  :evillaugh:  Keep it up and you'll be out of there in no time  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1814 on: January 24, 2010, 17:37:10 PM »
OMG!!!  :Crazy:

No wonder you made a bid for freedom!

Looking forward to hearing the full story... but hope you get the hell out of there and back home soon. What on earth are they playing at????


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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1813 on: January 24, 2010, 17:22:18 PM »
the story of the patients revolt!

no available beds on resp ward so was dumped on gastric where mad patient tried to drag me from bed to go to school & put make up on me. same lady was covered in poo!! tried to run away this morning as thing so bad on ward. stopped by 3 security guards & nurse! full story of my dive to freedom will follow when got my on gynocol ward. doing ok.

write more soon

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1812 on: January 24, 2010, 10:48:56 AM »
Morning, Teresa. Wanted to pop on and let you know I was thinking of you and hoping you feel a lot better today. :hug:

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1811 on: January 23, 2010, 23:19:27 PM »
 :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope you are doing better today T.

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1810 on: January 23, 2010, 23:17:25 PM »
We must get to the bottom of this strain T, I will ask on a pilot forum but I dont think you (although a Rolls Royce of a person) dont think your innards work quite the same.....

Hope you are feeling much better soon!  :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1809 on: January 23, 2010, 18:49:19 PM »
Thinking of you  T  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  Glad you felt able to post and hope the next one has better news  :care:

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1808 on: January 23, 2010, 12:59:27 PM »
Sending you lots of gentle hugs and love. :hug: :hug:x

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1807 on: January 22, 2010, 23:28:18 PM »
Hope that the abs will have you it under control again and you will be able to go home  :hug: :hug:

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1806 on: January 22, 2010, 23:13:10 PM »
 :hug: Hope you,re soon home T. Much love xx
RIP Tigger Button Whisky Maisie, Merlin and Alfie Pawprints on my heart forever

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1805 on: January 22, 2010, 23:03:38 PM »
Teresa: :care: Feel better soon.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1804 on: January 22, 2010, 22:42:36 PM »
Good to hear from you Teresa and hope you sleep well and are able to rest up.  Must be so very frustrating but you just have to give it your best shot again and try to keep your spirits up.  So many people on here sending such strong vibes of support.  You must feel it  :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1803 on: January 22, 2010, 22:05:26 PM »
Keeping the vibes up for you

Take care  :hug: :hug:
Zoe, Ollie and Tyler

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: Get well messages for Teresa
« Reply #1802 on: January 22, 2010, 21:57:11 PM »
same pneumonia spreading  but i ok :hug:


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