Finally managed to read all of your lovely get well messages and what a lovely aid to recovery they are,
you all so much. I also need to thank so many of you personally for cards and gifts I treasure every single one of them please accept my apologies for the delay I find even typing exhausting just now .
I am resting, took 2 hours to get through medication and different nebulisers this morning and son just brought me porridge for breakfast, struggling to walk still and permanently attached to oxygen so no chance of venturing to cat pens or attempting to work just going to be very careful now; my life has to change totally and I guess I am going to find it so difficult,lots of decisions been made already but I need to accept them myself first; and when I can cope with it I will give you all a proper explanation of whats happening please rest assured that the cats in our care remain no 1 priority and have received excellent care during my absense from Rob Snr, Claire and Rob Jnr.
Waiting for nurse to come and check me over, (seems this time I have been sent home with lots of support) both district nurse and a respitory nurse will be checking up on me so thats good.
Welcome back Teresa. Please don't go doing too much, keep your vest on, eat well and don't go out without your oxygen, socks and wellies.
Sue just want to say got the vest, the socks and oxygen but most importantly no more nappies/catheters so got me knickers back
great news Teresa - hope this is the last we shall be hearing of you in the Rescue and Rehoming section
now you have been rescued and rehomed twice, you must stay put, and concentrate on yourself for a bit
otherwise we shall have to start a thread for you in Health and Behaviour
Guess this makes me a Purrs success