Arrived home 7.30 tonight, am weak as a baby kitten but alive and a heart full of hope and so grateful to everyone, oxygen piped at home but they havent done upstairs because of cats so got to sleep on settee tonight and will get them out tomorrow to do job right, poor Rob going to have to sleep on chair as I need help walking and climbing stairs for toilet.
Will post more fully tomorrow as I know I am a muddled up wreck at minute, the last 4 weeks have put so much pain and stress on everyone and I know its going to take time for everything to come into place.
Rob picked me up from hospital in my new wheelchair really smart it thrilled me nice comfy tartan seat cushion,very good on pressure sores
all nurses hugged and kissed me before they said their goodbyes and warned me not to return before Christmas.
I am so very lucky to be alive and will never forget it.
Will post more tomorrow