Hiya Aunty T. Is me. I not serpowsed ter be here, but dis importunt...
Dis me faverut song, wot I normully ownly sings ter me Faberlush Lady Lexy
but she sed wot I cud share it wiv yoo 'cos yoo is just as speshul as wot she is, so - coff, herm........
"“I’ll pertecks yoo from d’hooded claw
keeps der vampire from yu’s door,
wen d’chips is down
we’ll be arown
wiv owr undying, deff-defying luv fer yoo……”
Dija gets dat? Is deff-defying luv. Dat wot we all feelin fer yoo.
Pleeze ter gets well, Aunty T. Pleeze.
Yer speshul frend, Paddy P.