Author Topic: Cats who are at Rainbow Bridge - should they be allowed to enter the photo comp?  (Read 10049 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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There will be no text limit, you can rabbit on as much as you like this is a celibration  ;D ;D

Offline Baggy

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How much text is the limit to put in with your entry, I could rabbit on forever about the Proot  :shy:?

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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I like this suggestion, and might enter some of mine into it.
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Offline Baggy

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Sounds like a really good solution! The Proot would approve  ;D

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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Great - I think this is the best way  not to judge our Bridge Babes, just show them in the naughtyness  - cuteness  etc .

Will be sorting for my Beau & Zak - I do like to show them off even though they are not with me.
Great decision Gill xxx

A Meow Massages your heart.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Ok I have succumbed to pressure in that the aim of all of this is to raise money.  :shify: :shify:

Soooooooooooooooo I will add a Rainbow Bridge category to be called A Celebration of our Purrs on Rainbow Bridge, and the entrance fee will be £1 per cat as for the main show BUTTT there will be no judging and each picture should be sent with text to go with it, celebrating the life of your Purr on the Bridge. Entry to this special category will be allowed for the duration of the show commencing on 1 May.

Bridge Purrs can still enter the show as a whole in all the other categories should their owners/careres wish.

I hope this will satisfy all......................I will even enter my Kocka in this new category  ;D

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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Well I think that is a good idea Gill -

I Was just thinking of their own section - in the show - but I like your surgestion.  :)

A Meow Massages your heart.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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CC there is no in general, the rules are the rules and thats it.

Gail I think that if this is to be done it should be outside the cat show or am I misunderatnding and the intention was to donate to the cause for puttinhg them there?

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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How about a page for Bridge Babies - Just to share our babes with others. No voting to to show them off. A bit like the Rainbow Bridge page but on a happier note celebrating them, and their little naughty things they did.

A Meow Massages your heart.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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I wont be entering any of my bridge babes, I can't explain why I dont like the thought it though!!
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I mean in genral Gill.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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All pictures will be shown so they can be judged but there will be no questions, just a poll for everyone to vote.


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Just had a thought, do peeps get to see the pics in the classes?

If so peeps could ask questions about someones cat and the cat could no longer be with them and very upsetting having to say they are at the bridge. So maybe a good idea for a bridge class? Then others would know.

I know peeps might think why didnt my cat win but its going to be the same through out the comp no matter the class.

If peeps want to enter in bridge class they could, if not just enter in the other classes, its that persons choice then.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Seemes like i on a no win here !

It was requested that there was no rainbow bridge class of its own and that the Bridge cats were included with all the others.

I will not be entering Kocka at all what ever happens cos I dont want her judged, cos to me she is the most beautiful cat ever  ;D ;D. I have got 4 living cats to enter so am happy with that.

I knew this was going to be a sentisitive issue but at present the decision to have all cats in all classes will definately stand but the possibility of also having a Bridge cat class remains open.

Peeps please either post here or PM me on this.

Unless I get a significant number of wanting a new class, it will not be included.

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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I think they should have a class of their own. I dont' think it fair if they join the living cats.  They are special and deserve their own class.

just my opinion.  I will be entering Beau & Zak if they have their own class, but if not then I won't.

A Meow Massages your heart.

Offline Tan

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Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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can someone tell me if its (a) too late to enter?
(B) how do i enter ?who do i post the pics too???????
 I :catluv: CATS

( A Kitten/Cat is for Life )



Offline Tan

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We decided that would be to upsetting to have just a class for bridge babes. I couldn't put mine in there hun.  :( so we are treating them the same as our earth babes.


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What about a class just for kittys at the bridge?

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Yes Tan is absolutley right below, I couldnt have explained it better  ;D

I am now amending rules to allow the Bridge babes  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline Millys Mum

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 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Yay, Tiggy & George win  :)

Offline Tan

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I think she means for that class ages, The bridge babes needs to be in the class age he/ she passed to the bridge. So for unstance my Ochi passed when he was 16 months so not allowed in the kitten class but the Juveniles class and your wonderful Tig can go in the perfect Pensioners class and any other that suits the pic.

As far as i am aware, kitten pics of ya babes are allowed out of the age groups, so i could put Ochi's kitten pic is say funniest expresion but need Gill to confirmn that cause she big boss in charge.  :bow: :cuddle:

I better start saving cause i already got about 30 classes to put pics in!  :donate2:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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 :cheer: Yippee  :cheer:  Thanks Gill - you've made me very happy  ;D

Not quite sure what you mean by the 'last age will be the one that decides'?  I'd like to enter Tiggy's wall pic (amongst many others  :evillaugh:) - she was 10 in the pic and left for the bridge at 18.  I guess the same question applies for cats who aren't at the Bridge eg) Minty is over a year old now but what if his Mum wanted to enter pics of him as a tiny baby - what category do they go in - the age when the pic was taken or the age they are now?

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Ok it looks like we are opening up all classes to Bridge babes then and I will not do one specially for Bridge babes, All cats will just be treated the same

If the bridge babe was a kitten when going to the bridge then they can enter the kitten age class but the last age will be the one that decides.

Is that OK with all?

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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I was trying to stay off this thread as I don't want to be accused of trying to influence people's votes  :shify: but as you can see I have failed!

I completely agree with Tan, I wouldn't want to enter Tiggy in a Bridge babe class as that would be a bit sad for me, like saying another cat at the Bridge is more loved than Tiggy - of course they are to the owner but to me T is the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be :Luv:  I would love to enter her in the normal classes though  ;D

Offline Tan

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Must admit that was one of my 1st questions to Gill on the show as i have great pics of Ochi.  :coolpics: When she said she felt it would be insenitive to peeps if they didn't do well, I saw her point and agreed. I think to me if Ochi didn't do well, i would be a little down by it but the easy answer is that if ya think you might feel that way then :idea: ....simply don't enter ya bridge babe. :smile:
So i have voted to have them in all classes.  Would a bridge babe only class be too upsetting? ie setting them all against each other? If i was to enter me Ochi lad, i wouldn't put him in a bridge babe class cause they are all so stunning and prescious to us.  :Luv: :Luv:

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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I think they should if it helps their humans to do so.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Bumping this cos it doesnt show when peeps vote only if thereis a post

Offline Christine (Blip)

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I think they should.  I might enter little Tabitha too...
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Helen - I don't blame you.  Tiggy was your gorgeous girl, and she'll be at Rainbow Bridge right now, dead chuffed that her Mum's on a campaign for her and her friends.  You star!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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If you're reading this without being logged in there is a poll attached to this thread - you need to log in to be able to vote  :)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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At the moment the cat photo competition is only for cats who are still with us, the decision not to allow cats who are waiting for us at Rainbow Bridge to enter was taken as it was thought that it was a bit insensitive to judge them...  Gill has democratically agreed to a poll on the subject. 

I'd love to enter Tiggy and wouldn't be upset at all if she didn't win anything, it's the taking part that counts and I love showing my little girl off as she was beautiful  :Luv:  Milly's Mum has a rather lovely pic of George waiting in the wings too  :)

Please vote now
....  The votes are anonymous, if you want to make any comments you can reply to the thread as normal.


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