Tiggy had lovaly markings
. I had a ginger baby some years ago called George. I got him when my workmate went to pick a kitten from a house locally (living in Bucks at the time). Anyway got there and it was the kinda house you wipe you feet on the way out of.
It was crawling!!
So my friend took a little l.h tabby and this little ging kitten came strolling up to me and started bopping me.
The lady whos house it was said we could have them as she was going to drown any she couldnt home. Within the next 2 hours we had rehomed about 5 kittens I think to fellow cat lovers.
George had really orange fur with a kind of 1960's abstract pattern in a lighter ginger on the L hand side. He only lived 2 yrs and died of luekemia.
Anyway we reported this woman to the RSPCA and the 2 pairs of cats she had where rehomed. Apparently she just let them have one batch of babes after another. Georgies mum was brown with flecks of white,ging in and she was so thin and scrawnie. We went and got some food whilst we where there and made sure she was ok b4 we left. That was yrs ago.
Im keeeping all Flumpets fav little toys and the snowcats going to be my purry substitute for now.
Sonja x