Well I had head sardines were good, so when I was in the shop earlier I had a look, but couldnt remember wether tomatos were okay for cats so I bought the sardines in spring water will try it for her supper - will it be good at helping hydrate her? I have no idea how "wet" it is lol! I guess I could add some of the spring water in the bowl - will taste nice and fishy for her
Kookie Bear does seem a little bit brighter iin the past hour - I got a couple of syringe fulls of water into her earlier, and I mixed a big teaspoon of a/d with water to make a thick "soup" and she tucked right in
she should be a bit less dehydrated at least.
Simba is now sneezing fairly often, but still seems bright and chatty, mind you Bear was sneezing for a day but fine before she got poorly.
Fingers crossed simba has a better imune system than Bear...........