Author Topic: A Day in the life of....  (Read 3128 times)

Offline Angiew

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Re: A Day in the life of....
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2009, 08:25:51 AM »
Its difficult not knowing when to interfere. My mummycat still doesn't seem to have much milk but the kits are all quiet and look content. I am offering top ups for them 3- 4 times per day just in case and they are usually happy to take a few mls at a time so hopefully between us they will continue to do well.

Mum was sitting on OH's lap last night and one of the babies got out of the pen, then didn't know what to do so started to scream - she just looked up at me and her expression read 'Its your turn...."  :rofl:

Nice to know I have my uses!

Offline dabs

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Re: A Day in the life of....
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2009, 19:49:20 PM »
and how they doing his morning?

Well an hour later she produced another 2 and did not wnat to know. I had to resuscitate the last one as he was not breathing as mum refused to wash him to get him going.

She is still unsettled, but not as much. Not a lot of milk, but I am encouraging babaies to latch on. They are not wriggling around distressed and do not appear hungry so there must be enough there to keep them going for the minute. She spent more time out of the nest than it it over night, but I went to work today so I would not be tempted to keep interfering and she actually went into the nest to nurse them tonight, so she may well be getting the hang of this, bless her.
Nuneaton and Hinckley Cats in Need

Offline Angiew

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Re: A Day in the life of....
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2009, 10:28:33 AM »
and how they doing his morning?

Offline dabs

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Re: A Day in the life of....
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2009, 19:24:44 PM »
Sorry to hijack the thread Angie, but the queen in question has caught us all on the hop and produced two babies tonight!  :Crazy:

4pm she had tea, 6pm son says she is sitting in the box and talking to him when he checked on her and she asked for fuss, 6.40pm I take up her fish supper and she is right at the back of the box beavering away at the back end and one kitten already underneath her squealing away. 2nd one was a breach, but she managed admirably with out my help.

Now she has had them she does not know what to do with them, bless her, she has cleaned them up and then promptly turned her back on them. As I left her she was starting to bring them into her so I hope if she is left to settle instinct will kick in.

Well the vet did say 72 hours on Saturday and she was spot on.
Nuneaton and Hinckley Cats in Need

Offline dabs

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Re: A Day in the life of....
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2009, 12:57:49 PM »

One queen, getting bigger and bigger, no kittens moving, so a quick ultrasound, two viable heartbeats at least, with 2 HUGE kittens and mum herself no more than 6 months old and a tiny dot at that. Vet reckons she is ready and reckons within the next 72 hours, so this was at 3pm yesterday so the countdown begins! You bet I will still be on kitten watch next weekend! Me thinks that there will be a sickie day from work this coming week as she is so small I will have to stop with her.

never ultrasounded a cat - do they behave, is it expensive?

I will swap your paperwork for this lot above.  :evillaugh:

well paperwork is more or less complete but if you take feral mum and her 7 kittens as well - its a deal!

Can I take a rain check on feral mum and babies, I think things might be brewing this end. Little mummy has decided to start following me around asking for lot and lots of fuss and then turned on me and scratched my hand. Prior to that she was in the old man's T Shirt drawer and the bottom of the wardrobe. I have popped her in the kittening box in the spare room and she seems to have settled in there. I hope she is not to long about it, I have a hearing tomorrow that I am giving representation at, so must go in in the morning. After that she can do what she wants!  ;)

Our vet was good yesterday and did not charge for the ultra sound, mommy cat did not need sedating as they sometimes do and was as good as gold.
Nuneaton and Hinckley Cats in Need

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: A Day in the life of....
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2009, 12:46:41 PM »
What a beauty Goose is....and Angie...No peace for the wicked!  :naughty: :rofl: :hug:

Offline LilyandGary

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Re: A Day in the life of....
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2009, 12:42:42 PM »
Situation normal then Angie?? :rofl:

Dont tell Angie, but I homed two yesteday so down to 4 fosters now :P

Oh, and home check too for Lady M on Tuesday. How about that for quick homing?

Going now to hide behing parapet, can feel the wrath of Angie at my gloating!

Offline Angiew

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Re: A Day in the life of....
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2009, 11:26:44 AM »
Bubbles who came in as a rehome with his brother squeak. They were on your site for a while, with the lovely owner who wanted to PTS because his life was on hold!

I do indeed!

One queen, getting bigger and bigger, no kittens moving, so a quick ultrasound, two viable heartbeats at least, with 2 HUGE kittens and mum herself no more than 6 months old and a tiny dot at that. Vet reckons she is ready and reckons within the next 72 hours, so this was at 3pm yesterday so the countdown begins! You bet I will still be on kitten watch next weekend! Me thinks that there will be a sickie day from work this coming week as she is so small I will have to stop with her.

never ultrasounded a cat - do they behave, is it expensive?

I will swap your paperwork for this lot above.  :evillaugh:

well paperwork is more or less complete but if you take feral mum and her 7 kittens as well - its a deal!

Offline dabs

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Re: A Day in the life of....
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2009, 11:19:57 AM »
Blimey Angie and I thought that my quiet days were hectic.

I did end up with a trip to the vets yesterday with three cats.

One cat that has been in isolation for a month with ringworm, no longer glows in the dark like a shipping beacon, so ensconsed in my bedroom and decided to celebrate her first night out of solitary by partying all night!  :tired:  :censored:

One overweight ginger lad who has asthma type symptoms and has had an injection of steriods. Keeping him away from the others food was bad enough before but is even worse now! You will remember him Angie, Bubbles who came in as a rehome with his brother squeak. They were on your site for a while, with the lovely owner who wanted to PTS because his life was on hold!

One queen, getting bigger and bigger, no kittens moving, so a quick ultrasound, two viable heartbeats at least, with 2 HUGE kittens and mum herself no more than 6 months old and a tiny dot at that. Vet reckons she is ready and reckons within the next 72 hours, so this was at 3pm yesterday so the countdown begins! You bet I will still be on kitten watch next weekend! Me thinks that there will be a sickie day from work this coming week as she is so small I will have to stop with her.

I will swap your paperwork for this lot above.  :evillaugh:
Nuneaton and Hinckley Cats in Need

Offline Angiew

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A Day in the life of....
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2009, 00:01:13 AM »
It's been a nice quiet day today so this is the story of my day.....

Finally got up about 9-00. Poor old Goose was off form yesterday, in spite of the lovely weather he spent all day sleeping on the couch and so of course I was worrying about him - being saturday, do I rush him in for a check up for just being a bit 'off'?. Still a bit quiet today but looked brighter so I'm (so far) glad I didn't give in to panic.

Goose this evening..

So first chore of the day is to feed.

On the wednesday, the day that Branston and Pickle departed I went out to fetch a mum and babies. Babies were in a dog  kennel in the garden and screaming at mum to be fed. While feeding mum some chicken, two of the little souls had attached themselves limpet like onto a piece of chicken on her plate trying to get some nutrition.
Called Jill and her and her mum finally quietened them down with a bottle. I took them into the vet to assess them and only one nipple was producing amy milk. Mum is such a small girl - doesn't look much older than 6 months herself.

With her babies shouting the house down she was steadfastly unconcerned.

Anyway, back to today, they were the first feed , having not got on well with bottle (them ) syringe (me) we have compromised on a teaspoon for feeding and I am supplementing the milk mum is obvious giving them (as they are now quiet and content).
Vet reckons they were 2 - 3 weeks old. I don't think they are. We were all fooled by their mobility in the drive to survive. Photo's taken this evening and I'd now say they were 10 -14 days old at most.

compare them to ferally kits (again taken behind safety of curtain as mum is still nasty!) - these are now 17 days old and apart from being so much bigger have larger body to head ratio...

So feeding done by 11-00 and check emails - no pleas for cats.....

18 litter trays to wash, cat food to get out of storage in front lobby and when I open the door there has been a landslide of food behind the door. So have to carefully negotiate the boxes of food through a partially opened door and then restack the ones I don't need.

no calls - check phones are still working and not knocked off by cats.....

Midday kitten spoon feed, feel mummy to see if she has milk and there is a thickening underneath. Fearing mastitis, I worry about what to do while I disinfect the washed litter trays. Deciding to call the vets who agree to see me if I take her in - and of course as soon as I pick her up to pop her in basket there is nothing - so its phone up vets , thank and cancel the appointment.
Go upstairs now to catch up on homing forms, expenses,  spreadsheets and website as its all got a bit out of date ( and a catch up on email and purrs of course!). Notice the 4 older ferals have legged it from their pen and at least one of them is missing and no doubt in the cupboard under the stairs in my 'study' with Dora the black feral. I admit I must not have closed the pen properly but I certainly did not open the cupboard door!
OH well, leave them to it work to do.....

7pm, just finishing admin as well as I can, go to have something to eat. Crunch over something on the kitchen floor and thinking it would be a bit of cardboard it was a birds head - which of course goes with the two piles of feathers in the living room - very nice. In the bin it goes.

Refill the litter trays and put cats to bed. Of course we are still missing Dore and ginger one so out comes all the contents of the cupboard and they are right at the back in a void behind the picnic basket. Cats scarper (amazingly to the cat room!) so I can close them in for the night and replace everytihng in the cupboard.

Yet another feed for young mummy cat and a kitten top up.. and the nice bit of taking photos.....

And now its midnight... so there you have it.... a day in the life of me (and a quiet one at that!)

« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 00:06:56 AM by Angie (covcats) »


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