Just back from vets and dont know what to say other than we need a miracle, Andy debated PTS but said that as I had managed to somehow keep his fluid levels he could either PTS or inject him with a strong drug which is unlicenced and that he has never used on a kitten or small animal before, but if it works he may stand a chance of holding something down, I chose for him to have the injection and at least try another night.An appointment has been made for 8.50 in the morning and if he is still unable to hold food down it is PTS, the parasite has caused inflamed bowels and all the medication has caused a build up of toxins. I only found out today that the medication does not kill this wretched parasite it merely suppresses it so that hopefully the animal can gain strength and get big enough to fight it, so none of them have had the norodine.Kay other vet popped in to see them and couldnt believe the difference in Noshalot and asked me how I keep going on this rollercoaster, I couldnt answer.
I really dont think this injection is going to save Noshalot but I have to try, he`s so worth it and I know I wont be able to cope if I lose him.