was reading your post lottie and was wondeing whether it was a brain problem and then you mentioned it at the end.
i have a possible brain problem with franta but he is 16yrs old with only one working kidney and gets very stressed going in the car, he has been having seizures,,,,,3 bouts this year so far and is just recovering fron that ones last week.
it was originally suspected he had an infection in his brain and was put on to daily marcobyl injections for 7 days, They seem to have worked 3 times now but the only real way of finding out what is wrong, cos all tests have been negative is an MRI scan. Because of his age and kidney and stress problems that would be too big a risk and the car luournet of 5-6 hrs in both directions would be very stressful for him and also he may not survive the anesthetic. So right now has been ruled out.
He was first ill after a dental a year ago and stopped eating and was losing weight rapidly, The B12 didnt work and they injected him with valium which forces them to eat but they gobble everything in sight and in turn this caused him to be xrayed which shiwed one kidney like a pea with some blockages going into it. The vet took advice from Bristol and that was its best to leave him as he is as they were not sure he would survive the op to remove that kidney and anyway it was not going to change anything.
He suffenly strated eating back to his jelly licking and biscuits for no reason except maybe the stress was gone as he was back at home all the time but then 2 months later the seizures started......nobody has mentioned a link and we had to change his vets cos of him needing 24/7 cover.
It would be so nice to know what was wrong with Franta and whether he could be treated better but if he has a slow growing tumour or brain lesion, it would be putting his life at risk and no help in treating him.
Sorry to have rambled on a bit but am wondering two things:
Has your vet done an xray and second has the thought of an MRI been discussed, they can also drain fluid for testing . I am sure you are insured as Franta is and an MRI if its done needs to be done before they are too weak or ill to be able to cope wuth the anesthetic. Biblo is so much younger than Franta but it does sound that he is getting weaker.
All I know is that Franta was fine and now he isnt but his age sadly is against him cos 16 for a birman is a very high age. He has never had a temperature even during all of this. So only symtoms are the seizures now and today is the first day without the marbocyl and he is acting very insecurely and very slow.
I wish Bilbo lots of good recovery vibes and power to you with all the coping that you are needing to do