Paddy, if you could have words nightly please? Lexy doesn't listen to me!
Well, she's home
Bandage has been licked off
but thankfully no external stitches this time. The wound is nicely secure and tidy. Since Lexy historically has not bothered with external stitches lets hope that she leaves things well alone. Vet agreed that a cat like Lexy, who will hurt herself to remove a buster collar, confined in a pen whilst she does, is not suitable for a collar at all. Not even a halfmoon collar.
She's comfortable and just getting her energy back. Eyes still dillated and drinking loads of water. I've given her some food which she inhaled.
I will post some pictures of the sorry looks I keep getting saying: "Let I OWT!"
Lexy has decided she will be posting on Aunty T's thread since she knows her mum has been worried about both of them. My little muffin is home (again...
So fingers crossed everyone, not sure I can handle another late night run to the vets with her.