I got madam to the vets a little late due to terrible traffic, so the journey was a little difficult as Lexy was, naturally, wary of all the cyclist wizzing past the car.
When we got to the vet, there was a large lorry outside that banged their door so Lexy huddled into the corner of the carrier into a little ball. You know that complete trance they get into when they try to make themselves invisible? Well that's what Lexy did.
I checked her in, and I was fine until the nurse started asking me all sorts of questions about thinks Lexy liked and didn't like (food/cuddles etc) and then I just burst into tears. Lexy refused to look at me she was so fixated on the corner of the carrier.
I told her I loved her and then left, cried all the way to work.
I know it's just a knee op, I know she's done this before. It's me that's ruining the soles of my shoes (
Teresa, you reminded me I am human
) worrying about her.
Anyway, nurse told me I can visit her tonight, so will stop over for as long as they let me.
Bring on the evening, I want to see my little girl.