Sorry to hear you are having probs with Pops Kelly - I use the rollers from Wilkinsons, one of the best ones I have found - I also have a gel one, which was really good, but you had to keep washing it, and the brush ones that Gill talks about - they are best on carpets, sofas etc, and I found them better than the hoover on the sofa. I literally get dressed minutes before leaving the house, and still have to defluff occasionally - I sometimes find that I have fur on me after being in the car, so I have a spare de-fluffer at work to pick them off when I get there. Mine are moulting really bad at the moment - Tiger is mainly tabby, and Molly is pure black, so nothing to do with white, Tiger is the worse and it is her tabby fur that is being lost most, but like Poppy, she hates being brushed. The best I can do for her is give her a couple of wipes with a baby wipe, as I find they get her fur off better than the brush.