I have already tried looking at rescue BSH, and they are either rehomed or too far away
So typical of my luck! I could wait and see if any more need rehoming, and have actually been asking breeders themselves to think of me if they need to retire a cat from breeding - and had quite a few rude replies in return!
Somehow I knew people would say rescue lol
I'm going to visit a cat rescue today to see some of the cats needing homes, I have talked to the lady who runs the place a few times on the phone and by email, and can't wait to go and see them!
Trouble is, I just know I'm going to fall in love with them
all and want to bring them all home!
How on earth do you choose? I remember it was a nightmare when we went to see our cat Pearl at the RSPCA, there were lots of tiny, cute kittens playing in the pens, my eldest son was only 3 and was going crazy for one - but as soon as I saw Pearl I knew, she came to the glass in between us and rubbed herself all over it trying to get to me! lol
The guy who was looking after them actually tried to convince me to have a kitten rather than an "oldie"!!
I think its always quite hard to tell a personality when they are in a pen, I just hope we can find a cat who can fit in, regardless of age, as I would hate to make the wrong decision and have to take them back! I'm actually a bit worried I might make the wrong decision, I'd hate to mess a poor cat about.
I hope there will be someone there for us, we've been looking for quite some time now, and always end up going looking at cats/kittens and having to make the hard decision that they aren't quite right for us, and coming home with nothing but crying kids! But I refuse to choose a cat/kitten just so my kids aren't upset! It has to be the right pairing!!