Message from Gary to the lovely Poppet: I went out in the car today, very strange. I didnt even get any breakfast.
Then I had to wait in a big room with lots of other cats and dogs. Mummy let a lady look at me, and then she left me!!! I had a lovely sleep, and when I woke up I felt a bit stiff in the trouser department, but nothing I cant cope with. The lady said I must stay in the house till Saturday, whenever that is. Lucky I have Lily and Willow to play with.
Mummy came to take me home, and I had a cuddle with Lily and some nice chicken, and some more chicken cos I was so hungry. Willow and I tried to play chase but Mummy said I should be quiet instead, so we have gone upstairs to play instead where she can`t hear us (Oh yes I can!).
Dont be worried about seeing the green man, I got lots of cuddles and chicken afterwards.