Once again I have a very ill kitten.
I just don't understand this. He comes from a private home, his mother rarely went outside, she went on a walk one day and got home pregnant (duh, that happens when you don't castrate early enough!)
Anyway, the kittens were healthy, Fynn was round and happy and ate well. He vomitted a few times, but that's not very scary I think. But today he started having yellow diarrhoea and was looking very sick. So I just went to the vet and he has a high fever. He lost a lot of weight and got rehydrated. He also got Metacam and AB. The vet wanted to keep him overnight, but I'm a good nurse so I could bring him home.
So not much sleeping tonight I guess but I don't care. I would happily stay home tomorrow because my new job frustrates me, but we do need the money
Please let's hope he gets better very soon