Author Topic: TULIP!  (Read 17194 times)

Offline Bazsmum

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« Reply #67 on: October 10, 2009, 12:26:11 PM »
 :where: Sparklecat and darling Tulip?  :hug:

Just reminded myself to get snapping!  :shy:

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #66 on: September 04, 2009, 08:07:14 AM »
Aw that piccie of Tulip is just gorgeous, she looks like a doll!  :Luv2: :hug:

Thank you so much.  :thanks:  It is rather a dark picture as I took it at night whilst she was snuggled up to me.  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

How are your babies today?  Can you post some more piccies PLEASE!   :hug:

BIG Love,
Sparklecat and Tulip

This is so odd for me as I am usually one of the peeps who asks for piccies off everyone else!  :evillaugh:  I am currently taking up to date pics of the gang so I will post some soon.... I promise!  :shy: ;) :hug:

EXCELLENT!   :hug:   I can't wait for the new piccies!   :Luv2: :hug: :thanks:

Offline Bazsmum

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« Reply #65 on: September 03, 2009, 17:28:25 PM »
Aw that piccie of Tulip is just gorgeous, she looks like a doll!  :Luv2: :hug:

Thank you so much.  :thanks:  It is rather a dark picture as I took it at night whilst she was snuggled up to me.  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

How are your babies today?  Can you post some more piccies PLEASE!   :hug:

BIG Love,
Sparklecat and Tulip

This is so odd for me as I am usually one of the peeps who asks for piccies off everyone else!  :evillaugh:  I am currently taking up to date pics of the gang so I will post some soon.... I promise!  :shy: ;) :hug:

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #64 on: September 03, 2009, 08:40:13 AM »
Aw that piccie of Tulip is just gorgeous, she looks like a doll!  :Luv2: :hug:

Thank you so much.  :thanks:  It is rather a dark picture as I took it at night whilst she was snuggled up to me.  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

How are your babies today?  Can you post some more piccies PLEASE!   :hug:

BIG Love,
Sparklecat and Tulip

Offline Bazsmum

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« Reply #63 on: September 03, 2009, 01:41:57 AM »
Aw that piccie of Tulip is just gorgeous, she looks like a doll!  :Luv2: :hug:

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #62 on: September 02, 2009, 15:41:36 PM »
WE have a number of repetitive names lol, Gill, Clare, Dawn are the ones that immediately come to mind  :rofl: :rofl:

I will DEFINITELY not cope!   :rofl:

Mind you, I will remember the puddy tats and that is all that matters!   :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #61 on: September 02, 2009, 15:20:37 PM »
WE have a number of repetitive names lol, Gill, Clare, Dawn are the ones that immediately come to mind  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #60 on: September 02, 2009, 12:10:24 PM »
Just to confuse Sparklecat -i am a Gill with persians  :rofl:

I am NEVER going to cope!   :rofl:  My husband says it is a curious thing that I cannot remember anyone's name but I can always remember their pet's name!   :rofl:

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Re: !!
« Reply #59 on: September 02, 2009, 12:09:01 PM »
SB was a darling.  Like Mary Poppins, 'practically perfect in every way'! 

Please post more pictures when you can...I need my fix!!!   :rofl:

Obviously had VERY good genes I reckon  ;)

Have you seen my 'helpers' in the kitchen thread? if not, a piccie of 3 of them there (not Sam in this one I'm afraid!),27452.0.html

I adopted a Chinnie in March - Lacie, she was in a persian rescue near me, I know the lady who runs it and she brought Lacie over to me for 'grooming' (I'm a cat groomer) - a lost cause in the grooming department, in that she was pretty much unhandleable as far as grooming went. I decided to adopt her because I thought I'd be able to get her used to being groomed again - its taking time, but she's loads better than she was. Chinnie coats - and temperaments are completely different from colourpoints  ;)

OH MY GOODNESS!!!  That picture in the kitchen is PRICELESS!!!  I am sure you could win a competition with that one!

Yes, I think you are right about the Chinnies.  Very different temperaments and they all seem to HATE being groomed!  :(  I never did manage to get any of our Chinnies (I've had three) used to it!   :(  It makes me feel a little better that even a Cat Groomer has had difficulties!   ;D

Tulip loves her brush and comb.  She stretches her little neck and face up to me so that I can comb her little head.  It is all I can do not to gobble her up whilst I'm at it!   :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

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« Reply #58 on: September 01, 2009, 17:49:53 PM »
Just to confuse Sparklecat -i am a Gill with persians  :rofl:

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: !!
« Reply #57 on: September 01, 2009, 17:17:20 PM »
SB was a darling.  Like Mary Poppins, 'practically perfect in every way'! 

Please post more pictures when you can...I need my fix!!!   :rofl:

Obviously had VERY good genes I reckon  ;)

Have you seen my 'helpers' in the kitchen thread? if not, a piccie of 3 of them there (not Sam in this one I'm afraid!),27452.0.html

I adopted a Chinnie in March - Lacie, she was in a persian rescue near me, I know the lady who runs it and she brought Lacie over to me for 'grooming' (I'm a cat groomer) - a lost cause in the grooming department, in that she was pretty much unhandleable as far as grooming went. I decided to adopt her because I thought I'd be able to get her used to being groomed again - its taking time, but she's loads better than she was. Chinnie coats - and temperaments are completely different from colourpoints  ;)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #56 on: September 01, 2009, 15:31:10 PM »
No problem LOL

Yes think Misa could ues a talking to by another cat  ;D

Sasa only grooms herself cos cant touch her and does a magnificant job thank goodness  ;D

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #55 on: September 01, 2009, 13:43:12 PM »
Umm Sparkle , no offence but I am Gill, the persian one is Gillian  :shify: :shify:

I wish Misa loved being combed and would put his legs up so I could get to them but if I go near its owwww, owwwwwww, owwwwwww  :rofl: :rofl: and then wop without claws and if I am silly enough to try again its a full on wop with claws and all feet and teeth!

I am sorry!   :(

I know it is Gillian (Ambercat) with the Persians.  I stupidly called you Gillian instead of Gill.  Apologies.  I shall be more careful in future.

I shall have to get Tulip to have a word with Misa about the pleasures of a thigh comb!  Industrial gloves might be the answer!

Apologies again.


Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2009, 12:41:16 PM »
Umm Sparkle , no offence but I am Gill, the persian one is Gillian  :shify: :shify:

I wish Misa loved being combed and would put his legs up so I could get to them but if I go near its owwww, owwwwwww, owwwwwww  :rofl: :rofl: and then wop without claws and if I am silly enough to try again its a full on wop with claws and all feet and teeth!

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #53 on: September 01, 2009, 09:08:33 AM »
I think Ragdolls are a bit more laid back than birmans although they look very similiar.

My two are 16yrs old now and both attention seekers. Birmans are supposed to be very intelligent and my two certainly work things out and when they have found away to wheedle their way in then the persist at it  :rofl:

I have wondered at the supposed intelligence in the past but its definately there!

They have a special birman yell and they can do it at top of voices LOL................well not funny during the night and they go mroeeeeeeewl rather than meow. Although Franta has woken me up going mew mew mew the last few nights cos he wanted me to move over so he could take all the pillow!

The coats of the two are quite different, Frantas is normal and combable and not a major problem but  blue point Ducha, has a coat like bloomin cotton wool and it matts something chronic right against the skin on the side he lies on and he cant groom, cos he has only 3 legs. His fur seems to shed all the time and have just spent the last month or two getting off the little and bigger mats, the vet did the ones round his right ear last week!

So now he is looking sorta lopsided and very thin but hope it will grow back quick  ;D

Franta loves to be a lap cat and am sure Ducha would if he had all 4 legs. Birmans are people cats and love attention much to the annoyance of Misa cos he thinks he should be the centre of all the attention  :shify: :shify:

Hi Gillian!

I just LOVE hearing about your furbabies!   :Luv2:

I know how difficult it is to deal with the problem of matting coats!  My husby and I used to have two Persian Chinchillas and their coats were a NIGHTMARE!  It wasn't helped by the fact that they HATED to be brushed!  One of them was a BIG cat, Ben.  He weighed in at seventeen and a half pounds and when he threw his weight around, you knew it!  His medical record card at the vet was entitled "Mr Vicious"  :naughty: :naughty: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:  As hard as we tried, sometimes they HAD to go to the vet and be de-matted and I can well remember them coming back with big chunks of their coat missing... :'(

Tulip, of course, has a dense but short coat so there are no problems there!  Exotic Shorthairs are sometimes called "The Lazy Man's Persian" because their coats are so much easier to keep nice.  However, she still needs to have a good brush and absolutely loves it! She even raises her back legs up over her head so that I can brush the backs of her thighs!    :rofl:  OOOOh  I LOVE HER!   :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

BIG love,
Sparklecat and Tulip

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #52 on: August 31, 2009, 18:22:38 PM »
I think Ragdolls are a bit more laid back than birmans although they look very similiar.

My two are 16yrs old now and both attention seekers. Birmans are supposed to be very intelligent and my two certainly work things out and when they have found away to wheedle their way in then the persist at it  :rofl:

I have wondered at the supposed intelligence in the past but its definately there!

They have a special birman yell and they can do it at top of voices LOL................well not funny during the night and they go mroeeeeeeewl rather than meow. Although Franta has woken me up going mew mew mew the last few nights cos he wanted me to move over so he could take all the pillow!

The coats of the two are quite different, Frantas is normal and combable and not a major problem but  blue point Ducha, has a coat like bloomin cotton wool and it matts something chronic right against the skin on the side he lies on and he cant groom, cos he has only 3 legs. His fur seems to shed all the time and have just spent the last month or two getting off the little and bigger mats, the vet did the ones round his right ear last week!

So now he is looking sorta lopsided and very thin but hope it will grow back quick  ;D

Franta loves to be a lap cat and am sure Ducha would if he had all 4 legs. Birmans are people cats and love attention much to the annoyance of Misa cos he thinks he should be the centre of all the attention  :shify: :shify:

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #51 on: August 31, 2009, 15:16:52 PM »
I have two brothers who are blue and seal points and birmans but guess the breed doesnt matter.

The whole of their line came from Blue and seal points. back in the grand grand parents the blue pointed father of my blue point has one set which were both blues and on seal point  mother side all the grand grand parents were seal points.

All I know is that the grand grand father who was a blue point was called Laurent Kubla Khan and was a grand champion and appears as a sire in so many birmans.

I find all of this fascinating   ;D

Hi Gillian!  Thank you for your reply!   :thanks:

You are right, it is FASCINATING!   ;D

I really can't imagine how the colouring works seems very complex!   :doh:

Yours Birmans are truly BEAUTIFUL.  I am not at all surprised that they come from a Championship stock!   ;D  One of my colleagues in Phantom has a Birman, Mr Benson.  What a handsome chap he is!  I imagine they have lovely temperaments?!  Are they similar to Ragdolls?

I am SO loving this Forum.  So many adorable cats to look at and wonderful stories to hear...aren't we lucky!   ;D

BIG love,
Sparklecat and Tulip
xxx :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #50 on: August 31, 2009, 15:10:04 PM »
HCM is in a few breeds (moggies as well) including persians, and maine coons I think. In Sam's case its probably hereditary. He's doing ok on meds and has put weight on and is eating fine, and seems happy in himself, my vets prognosis was pessimistic 'months' she thought, but 1 year on, and he's better than at diagnosis.

I think a blue point and tortie point (presumably seal tortie?) couldl produce either cream or redpoints - but I'm not very up on what colours produce what!

Well....Sharaya Soldier Blue - would you believe my Gypsy, Lucy, Zeta, Jasper, Suzie, Sam and Ben all have Sharaya Soldier Blue in their pedigrees, under GGG grandparents, also Sharaya Little Treasure and Sharaya Lilac Ribbons! They are all from the same breeder (my friend Audrey) Lucy, Sam and Ben I had as kittens, Gyps, Zeta, Jasper and Suzie all came to me as adult cats for a variety of reasons (owners died, couldnt be bred from anymore, allergies). Once I'd had some of Audrey's kittens that was it I was hooked, so when she contacted me first about Suzie needing a new home I didnt hesitate (well, for all of 2 minutes LOL!), then a year or so later, she told me about Gypsy, and then a couple of years ago Jasper and Zeta came to me together when their owner died. Sadly I've lost Suzie, Jasper and Gyps in the past few years (Jasp and Suzie to kidney failure, and Gyps suddenly and devastatingly from either pneumonia or a tumour in her lungs. I'm still glad I had them all though even though the losses are heartbreaking.

Love the pics of Tulip, specially the one of her sitting peeping over her two little paws.   :Luv:

Hi Gillian!

Thank you for your reply!

I am SO sorry about Sam's condition but I am also sure that you care and attention means that he will thumb his nose at the vet's prognosis, so there!  He is a darling and so reminds me of Sebastian-Basil.  Sebastian-Basil died of kidney failure, as I think I mentioned...I know it is VERY common in cats but it totally devastated me when he was diagnosed.  I think I cried and didn't eat for about three weeks.  My husband felt sure he would be taking me to the vet for blessed release long before SB!   

Sharaya Lilac Ribbons (I LOVE that name!) was Sebastian-Basil's Grandmother!!!  Isn't it a small world!

SB was a darling.  Like Mary Poppins, 'practically perfect in every way'!  He was born with a curious 'kink' in his tail which meant that he could not be 'shown'.  I think it was a blessing!   ;D

I hope all of your furbabies are enjoying the Bank Holiday Monday.  Miss Tulip is having a ball with her mummy!   :Luv2:

Please post more pictures when you can...I need my fix!!!   :rofl:

BIG love,
Sparklecat and Tulip

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #49 on: August 31, 2009, 12:55:15 PM »
I have two brothers who are blue and seal points and birmans but guess the breed doesnt matter.

The whole of their line came from Blue and seal points. back in the grand grand parents the blue pointed father of my blue point has one set which were both blues and on seal point  mother side all the grand grand parents were seal points.

All I know is that the grand grand father who was a blue point was called Laurent Kubla Khan and was a grand champion and appears as a sire in so many birmans.

I find all of this fascinating   ;D

Offline Gillian Harvey

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« Reply #48 on: August 31, 2009, 00:44:58 AM »
 HCM is in a few breeds (moggies as well) including persians, and maine coons I think. In Sam's case its probably hereditary. He's doing ok on meds and has put weight on and is eating fine, and seems happy in himself, my vets prognosis was pessimistic 'months' she thought, but 1 year on, and he's better than at diagnosis.

I think a blue point and tortie point (presumably seal tortie?) couldl produce either cream or redpoints - but I'm not very up on what colours produce what!

Well....Sharaya Soldier Blue - would you believe my Gypsy, Lucy, Zeta, Jasper, Suzie, Sam and Ben all have Sharaya Soldier Blue in their pedigrees, under GGG grandparents, also Sharaya Little Treasure and Sharaya Lilac Ribbons! They are all from the same breeder (my friend Audrey) Lucy, Sam and Ben I had as kittens, Gyps, Zeta, Jasper and Suzie all came to me as adult cats for a variety of reasons (owners died, couldnt be bred from anymore, allergies). Once I'd had some of Audrey's kittens that was it I was hooked, so when she contacted me first about Suzie needing a new home I didnt hesitate (well, for all of 2 minutes LOL!), then a year or so later, she told me about Gypsy, and then a couple of years ago Jasper and Zeta came to me together when their owner died. Sadly I've lost Suzie, Jasper and Gyps in the past few years (Jasp and Suzie to kidney failure, and Gyps suddenly and devastatingly from either pneumonia or a tumour in her lungs. I'm still glad I had them all though even though the losses are heartbreaking.

Love the pics of Tulip, specially the one of her sitting peeping over her two little paws.   :Luv:

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2009, 15:34:39 PM »

I hope the Persians are all well today - Sam, in particular!   :evillaugh:  :hug:  :Luv2:

Yes thanks they are well, Joe had a poorly eye, but antibiotics and eye drops have sorted that out. Sam is doing quite well considering (he has HCM, diagnosed about a year now), but I know he's on borrowed time  :(

Hi Gillian,

I am SO sorry to hear of Sam's HCM  :'( :(  Poor little chap.  I am praying for a miracle.   :hug: :hug:  Is the condition common in cats generally?

I have had a look at Sebastian-Basil's pedigree certificate.  His daddy was Sharaya Soldier Blue (a Bluepoint), his mother (Caveroni) a Tortiepoint - do those two make up a Redpoint (as everybody thought SB was?) or a Creampoint (as stated on his certificate?!  I loved him WHATEVER he was!   :Luv2:

Please kiss all the puddy tats from me.  I have posted some more pictures of Tulip under the ooohs and aaaahs section!  I hope you like them!

BIG love,
Sparklecat and Tulip
xxx   :Luv2: :hug:

Offline Gillian Harvey

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« Reply #46 on: August 28, 2009, 22:12:06 PM »

I hope the Persians are all well today - Sam, in particular!   :evillaugh:  :hug:  :Luv2:

Yes thanks they are well, Joe had a poorly eye, but antibiotics and eye drops have sorted that out. Sam is doing quite well considering (he has HCM, diagnosed about a year now), but I know he's on borrowed time  :(

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2009, 13:31:58 PM »
Wish I were a puddy cat!  :Luv2:

My husby says he is going to come back in his next life as my cat! He reckons he'll get more attention that way!  :rofl: :hug:

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« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2009, 13:22:57 PM »
Thank you, Gillian.  Can you buy cat runs or do you make them?  Pardon my ignorance! :doh:

You can buy cat runs or make them (if you are handy - I'm not LOL!) you can also buy the kits to cat proof your garden or DIY it. Securacat is a system that some peeps here have used, there is also and

Cat run panels (timber and mesh) can be bought and you can basically make a run to your own configuration or there are many cat run manufacturers.

The cat run I used to have was large and ran from the back door where there was a cat flap so the cats could go in an d out whenever. If you get Aug edition of Cat World I have an article about cat runs in there. These are a couple of pics of the cat run at my  previous house.


Bless your heart!  Thank you SO much!  here comes your run Tulip!  :thanks: :hug: :Luv2:

I hope the Persians are all well today - Sam, in particular!   :evillaugh:  :hug:  :Luv2:

Offline Bazsmum

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« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2009, 12:47:25 PM »
Wish I were a puddy cat!  :Luv2:

Offline Gillian Harvey

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« Reply #42 on: August 27, 2009, 12:45:16 PM »
Thank you, Gillian.  Can you buy cat runs or do you make them?  Pardon my ignorance! :doh:

You can buy cat runs or make them (if you are handy - I'm not LOL!) you can also buy the kits to cat proof your garden or DIY it. Securacat is a system that some peeps here have used, there is also and

Cat run panels (timber and mesh) can be bought and you can basically make a run to your own configuration or there are many cat run manufacturers.

The cat run I used to have was large and ran from the back door where there was a cat flap so the cats could go in an d out whenever. If you get Aug edition of Cat World I have an article about cat runs in there. These are a couple of pics of the cat run at my  previous house.


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« Reply #41 on: August 27, 2009, 08:59:01 AM »
LOL! Could be me!

Creampoints and redpoints can look very similar, easy to mix up when they are kittens especially. My Lucy is a creampoint, don't know if I've got pics of her in the gallery - when you see her and Sam (redpoint) together its easy to see the difference, but when you see a red or a cream colourpoint in isolation its not always easy to tell.

Sam and the tomatoey face - well that'll go down in history....! Suzie, she was beautiful, she came to me age 10 and i sadly lost her to CRF (due to PKD) age 14.  :(

No there's no difference between Exotics and Persians (cept for the coat as you say) - they are all......addictive!  :evillaugh:

I don't think Exotics prefer to be 'only' cats, my persians all (mostly!) love to be with each other, sleep together, wash each other etc  (and with my moggies too) - but there have been exceptions (that was a simple clash of personalities between 2 cats though) and I guess that it all depends on each individual cat.

Do you know what Seb's pedigree name and cattery prefix was? What happened to him?  :hug:

Hi Gillian!  I had a look at Sebastian-Basil's pedigree certificate last night, his cattery prefix was Sharaya.  His father was a Bluepoint and his mother was a Tortiepoint-I wonder if those two add up to a Creampoint (as Sebastian-Basil is said to be on the certificate) or a Redpoint (which people who met him and had Redpoints of their own said he "definitely" was?!).  Not that it really matters, just curious!  He was GORGEOUS whatever he was!  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

 I hope all of your BEAUTIFUL Persians are keeping well.  My husby could not believe it when I told him you have NINE!  He is sick with envy!   :sick: :evillaugh: :hug: :Luv2:

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #40 on: August 27, 2009, 08:43:48 AM »

Tulip is very much an indoor girl.  We have a little outside courtyard and I am wondering how she would be on a little lead.  What do you think?

Sounds like the courtyard might be easy to catproof? then she could come and go safely as she pleased, theres a few peeps on here that have catproofed gardens, as Dawn mentioned. Mine all go outside in the garden, I used to have a cat run, but live in a safe area for the cats now, so they have the freedom of the garden and don't wander out of it. I've got an area that is cat proofed, that I can shut off from the rest of the garden at night, so they can still come and go out the catflap if they want, but can't get out of the garden.  :)

Thank you, Gillian.  Can you buy cat runs or do you make them?  Pardon my ignorance! :doh:

Sparklecat and Tulip

Offline Gillian Harvey

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« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2009, 18:04:27 PM »

Tulip is very much an indoor girl.  We have a little outside courtyard and I am wondering how she would be on a little lead.  What do you think?

Sounds like the courtyard might be easy to catproof? then she could come and go safely as she pleased, theres a few peeps on here that have catproofed gardens, as Dawn mentioned. Mine all go outside in the garden, I used to have a cat run, but live in a safe area for the cats now, so they have the freedom of the garden and don't wander out of it. I've got an area that is cat proofed, that I can shut off from the rest of the garden at night, so they can still come and go out the catflap if they want, but can't get out of the garden.  :)

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #38 on: August 26, 2009, 14:19:33 PM »
When Tulip tries to catch something and misses, she gets really embarrassed and pretends she was trying to do something else!   :-[  :rofl:

My baby boy Max used to do that, he'd go hooning into something at breakneck speed, end up nowhere near what he was chasing, then saunter off like 'yeah, I meant to do that'  :evillaugh:

I think most of them have that down to a fine art  :rofl:

They are VERY proud creatures!   :rofl:

Offline clarenmax

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« Reply #37 on: August 26, 2009, 13:57:45 PM »
When Tulip tries to catch something and misses, she gets really embarrassed and pretends she was trying to do something else!   :-[  :rofl:

My baby boy Max used to do that, he'd go hooning into something at breakneck speed, end up nowhere near what he was chasing, then saunter off like 'yeah, I meant to do that'  :evillaugh:

I think most of them have that down to a fine art  :rofl:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

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« Reply #36 on: August 26, 2009, 13:40:10 PM »
Definitely yes please to more pics, we likes our piccies on here  ;D  :Luv2:

Thanks for your lovely comments on Poot  :Luv2:  I definitely feel this was meant to be, and he is my little ray on sunshine where I thought there would be none for a long while  :shy:

He is veerry long, its not just a trick of the camera lol, he's all legs as well at the moment bless him, when he plays on the floor he gets his legs all tangled up and ends up with his back legs over his head when he tries to bunny kick his toy and misses  :evillaugh: he's such a little cutie  :Luv:


Poot really is lovely.  When Tulip tries to catch something and misses, she gets really embarrassed and pretends she was trying to do something else!   :-[  :rofl:

Is Poot still growing?  I LOVE his looooooooooooong legs.  Tulip is just the opposite, short, stocky legs and a broad chunky build.  She becomes more like a living, breathing bagpuss everyday!   ;D

More pictures later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You've been warned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :evillaugh:

Sparklecat and Tulip

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #35 on: August 26, 2009, 13:35:32 PM »
I would love to see more pixs of Tulip, she looks like a calico tortie of which I have one untouchable one. not an exotic though  ;D

I love the exotics and also Gillians persians and the way they always are in little gangs  ;D

If you do a search for Tortie thread, Ginger thread etc etc you will find so many of our wonderful cats to drool over  ;D They are pictures exclusively  :rofl:

So many of the cats we have on Purrs are from horible backgrounds,  My Sasa had been found amongst ferals and is terrified of people, and Misa who I got at the same time had benn locked in a shed with dogs and very badly treated, he also is scared of everyone cept me.

Then I have two 16 yr old birmans who had been living in a garage without seeing people much cos they were chased out of their house by dogs but being birmans they just love anybody  ;D

Purrs is a great place and so pleased you joined us and you can drool over cats all day long here but we also have out very sad moments too cos we get to virtually know each others cats very well and we have lost so many in the last two months.......7 in two terrible days last month which was totally heartbreaking and sadly this month has not been good either  :'(

However we also have wonderful stories that make your heart glow and we have a Cat Show each May and an Auction end of Nov into Dec.........................yes folks time to plug the auction again, start saving stuff............ummmm where was I LOL.

And of course our latest project which is the Purrs Draw and our first draw will be on 31 Aug and thereafter each month .......reckon its gonna be a great success and the money from all these and from our shop goes to rescues registered on Purrs.

Ok advert over  :shify: :shify: :shify: 8)  ;D

I am SO sorry to hear these terrible stories.   :'(  I just cannot believe that people can treat animals in such a way - WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM?!   :censored:

Thank goodness your babies found you!   ;D  I expect they have landed on all four paws!   :rofl:

I am sorry too, to hear of the recent losses   :'(  My heart breaks for them.  It has taken me three years to get Tulip after Sebastian-Basil went to The Rainbow Bridge!  I just didn't feel I could go through it all again and then I heard about little Tulip.  I took one look at her picture and that was it!   ;D  I am so delighted to be on the Purrs Forum - you are all so welcoming and kind.  If I can help anyone, in any way...just say the word. ;D

HUG love,
Sparklecat and Tulip

Offline clarenmax

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« Reply #34 on: August 26, 2009, 13:11:45 PM »
Definitely yes please to more pics, we likes our piccies on here  ;D  :Luv2:

Thanks for your lovely comments on Poot  :Luv2:  I definitely feel this was meant to be, and he is my little ray on sunshine where I thought there would be none for a long while  :shy:

He is veerry long, its not just a trick of the camera lol, he's all legs as well at the moment bless him, when he plays on the floor he gets his legs all tangled up and ends up with his back legs over his head when he tries to bunny kick his toy and misses  :evillaugh: he's such a little cutie  :Luv:


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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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« Reply #33 on: August 26, 2009, 13:01:08 PM »
I would love to see more pixs of Tulip, she looks like a calico tortie of which I have one untouchable one. not an exotic though  ;D

I love the exotics and also Gillians persians and the way they always are in little gangs  ;D

If you do a search for Tortie thread, Ginger thread etc etc you will find so many of our wonderful cats to drool over  ;D They are pictures exclusively  :rofl:

So many of the cats we have on Purrs are from horible backgrounds,  My Sasa had been found amongst ferals and is terrified of people, and Misa who I got at the same time had benn locked in a shed with dogs and very badly treated, he also is scared of everyone cept me.

Then I have two 16 yr old birmans who had been living in a garage without seeing people much cos they were chased out of their house by dogs but being birmans they just love anybody  ;D

Purrs is a great place and so pleased you joined us and you can drool over cats all day long here but we also have out very sad moments too cos we get to virtually know each others cats very well and we have lost so many in the last two months.......7 in two terrible days last month which was totally heartbreaking and sadly this month has not been good either  :'(

However we also have wonderful stories that make your heart glow and we have a Cat Show each May and an Auction end of Nov into Dec.........................yes folks time to plug the auction again, start saving stuff............ummmm where was I LOL.

And of course our latest project which is the Purrs Draw and our first draw will be on 31 Aug and thereafter each month .......reckon its gonna be a great success and the money from all these and from our shop goes to rescues registered on Purrs.

Ok advert over  :shify: :shify: :shify: 8)  ;D

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #32 on: August 26, 2009, 12:38:41 PM »
Kidney disease is such an awful thing, and I had no idea until recently just now many cats are actually affected by it.

Luckily Max was only really poorly for a few days, the rest of the time he'd been fine pretty much all the time, CRF is such a roller coaster!

If you want some more Poot pics, check out my main thread as I don't want to hijack yours lol :-


Hijack mine...the more the merrier!!!   :Luv2:

(But I will check your thread out!)


Poot is EXTRAORDINARY!     :wow:  I LOVE his camouflage cushion!  He looks very long - is he?!  I think you and he were meant to be together!   :hug:  I also love the picture of him around the table leg!  Funnily enough, I took one of Tulip around a table leg the other day - aren't they funny, wrapping themselves around hard, uncomfortable objects?!  At the risk of boring everyone, I am going to try and put some more picture of Tulip on this evening.  I should have some more - I have taken 327 of her in the six months I have had her!!!   ;D

I LOVE THIS FORUM!!!!!!!!!   :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

BIG love and kisses for Poot!

Sparklecat and Tulip (who is apparently curled up asleep in our bed and my husby cannot bear to disturb her and make it!   :rofl:  He is as bad as me!) 

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #31 on: August 26, 2009, 11:23:16 AM »
Kidney disease is such an awful thing, and I had no idea until recently just now many cats are actually affected by it.

Luckily Max was only really poorly for a few days, the rest of the time he'd been fine pretty much all the time, CRF is such a roller coaster!

If you want some more Poot pics, check out my main thread as I don't want to hijack yours lol :-


Hijack mine...the more the merrier!!!   :Luv2:

(But I will check your thread out!)

« Last Edit: November 13, 2009, 12:36:53 PM by SparkleCat »

Offline clarenmax

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« Reply #30 on: August 26, 2009, 11:20:46 AM »
Kidney disease is such an awful thing, and I had no idea until recently just now many cats are actually affected by it.

Luckily Max was only really poorly for a few days, the rest of the time he'd been fine pretty much all the time, CRF is such a roller coaster!

If you want some more Poot pics, check out my main thread as I don't want to hijack yours lol :-


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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Dawn F

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« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2009, 11:16:16 AM »
my garden is catproof so they can't get out - I lost my lovely Algie at only 12 months old to the road 3 years ago and would never want to go through it again - no hard in giving a lead a try for Tulip, I have a friend with two indoor cats who go in the garden on leads (she also lost her previous babes to rta)

Offline SparkleCat

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« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2009, 11:10:36 AM »
I love your little darling too - such a wise look on that edible little face!   :Luv2:

Tell me more!  That little belly definitely BEGS for kisses!   :Luv:

Well, Poot has only been with me for about a week and a half, we adopted him on 14th August after we lost our beloved boy Max to kidney disease (he's the gorgeous black panther in my avatar piccy  :Luv2: ).  We'd had Max with us for 9 years and battled all sorts of issues, but none really related to the FIV which made him so hard to home in the first place!

We hadn't really planned another cat so soon, but my friend at CP told us about another little FIV baby who'd come to them after testing positive as a stray, and, well, I think Max had a hand in all of this, to allow another FIV little man the same chances he had in his life with us  :Luv2:

Poot is getting more confident by the day, and is really friendly and cuddly, but also loves to play too  :Luv:

I think Poot is adorable!  :Luv2:  And I LOVE his name!   :Luv:

Do you know, I really do believe that your little Max had a paw in things.  The synchronization of some of these things is too coincidental to be coincidence, don't you think?   ;)

Max was lucky to have you and so is Poot.  He looks VERY at home already - like HE has found YOU instead of the other way around!   :rofl:

Do you have some other photos?  I should LOVE to see them, although I do appreciate, you have only had him a week and a half.

I lost Sebastian-Basil to kidney failure at fifteen and a half - it seems to claim the lives of so many cats.  Just AWFUL.   :'(

xxx    :hug:


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