Author Topic: I hope someone listens to my advice  (Read 1860 times)

Offline Wibblechick

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Re: I hope someone listens to my advice
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2009, 15:57:54 PM »
Its good the lady is trying to help, but I hope she follows your advice  :)

We have two ferals that "live rough" here - lots of us feed them and watch out for them.

 Some years back we had a lot of feral cats living along the railway embankment (it runs behind our block of flats here) and the local cats protection group trapped and neutered them and returned those they felt were unhomeable.  T

here were about 3 litters of kittens.  Gorgeous, but a BIG worry to those of us who love cats.

So we have "Little Black" and Mr Muesli" as the only two left now. 

I shall miss them when they go - but at least we know there will be no sick little kittens dying from  lack of food or care
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 16:00:18 PM by Wibblechick »
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: I hope someone listens to my advice
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2009, 15:29:23 PM »
I hope so too or she will be overrun!!

Offline woodlandcats

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I hope someone listens to my advice
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 14:46:29 PM »
I was at a petshop near my work when a lady came in asking what she could feed very young kittens. She was feeding a stray for some time and one day she appeared with kittens.
I suggested she gave the local strays project a call. She said she could not pick up the mother, but I told her they could catch her with a cage.
I also told her the kittens needed mother's milk as she didn't know how old they were, but she held her fingers apart and that showed some very small kittens, I think 4-5 weeks.
She said she was happy to feed mum, but with these little ones, she'd end up with a lot of cats to take care of.
So I hope she makes that phone call
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