You can get 3 flavours of renal wet from Royal Canin, tuna, chicken and beef. There are like chunks in a light gravy.
If your new vets can get it, there's another one called Specific which is more of a pate style, and my boy Max ate this for a while.
He did go off all the foods eventually though, so I had to get inventive and mix it with same flavour ordinary foods, but that did also work as it made the food smellier and a bit more palitable.
With a lot of these foods its trial and error.
Evetually I gave up with the renal wet and just gave senior food with the phospherous binder, and then gave him RC renal biscuits to offset any effects.
His creatinine levels were stable during his illness, normally between 270-300, and that was without any actual drugs for his kidneys.
However my boy had thyroid issues too which hand in hand made treatment more difficult, so your treatment might well be different anyway.
I've probably confused you more now