Yes he will leave it around for you to tread in LOL
As he is not a long haired cat he probably hasnt figured out how to get it up yet, mine are all longhaired and they pop out and eat grass cos thats the way it works in nature. Also they will stuff themselves with too many biscuits cos that works too LOL
Another way is defurrem treats, mine wont eat them, or very expensive katalax which comes from the vets......dont know if you can get it from Vet UK but mine wont eat that either!
I even tried putting it on Duchas leg so he would lick it off but birmans are smart and he just ribbed his lef all over things to make them all sticky until it was gone.
Looked at me with his baby blues and said....Meowmy stop trying to poison me!
Misa used to get very surprised when he was doing what Memphos was doing and he backs away from where he thinks its gonna land