With all the depressing news on here lately, I thought I would share this with you.
I`ve just been chatting to my friend who has told me of an amazing rescue by her daughter. Her daughter works for a fast-food company and was in the back office the other day doing some paper work. She normally works in the main resturant.
She heard someone mention that a pest control company had just visited as they thought they had rats scrabbling under the floor boards, probably attracted by discarded food (by customers). The company had put some sticky pads down with poision on, to try to control them.
Then she heard the scrabbling, and something that sounded like a cat mewing from under the floor. She managed to tempt a mummy cat and her kittens out from under there! Happily a local charity was able to take them in the same day. The volunteer said that if the cat had got any of the poison on her paws, she and the kittens would have died within a few days. The person then popped back the next day to say thanks to all concerned, and gave them a box of chocs to share round.