I agree too. If it's any consolation, we had a major panic when we adopted The Munchkin. First morning he was no where to be seen. We knew he couldn't have gone out because the cat flap was locked, but I was really beginning to believe he'd somehow broken it open. We looked everywhere. I was frantic. Eventually, many stressful hours later, we found him- he'd got into a tiny space between the back of the kitchen cupboards and the boiler. I still don't know how he squeezed in with his enormous tummy! Of course, then we panicked in case he was stuck- we had visions of having to demolish the kitchen. We eventually tempted him out with cat milk and chicken (thankfully he loves his grub) but were in a state. I'll bet you anything she's in the flat somewhere. Hard as it is, try to chill out- she'll appear eventually.