Author Topic: Feline Gingivitis and Stomatitis  (Read 9972 times)

Offline Janeyk

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Feline Gingivitis and Stomatitis
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2009, 23:48:01 PM »

Cats are prone to chronic diseases of the mouth including gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucous membranes, usually the back of the mouth). The disease may also be known as 'feline gingivostomatitis." The primary feature of this disease is severe inflammation of the gums where they touch the teeth.

What causes gingivitis and stomatitis in cats?

There are probably a number of factors that contribute to the development of this chronic inflammation in the mouth and gums. Although the exact cause is unknown, it is primarily thought that some cats may have a hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to bacterial plaque and are called 'plaque-intolerant.' This results in a disease called lymphocytic-plasmacytic gingivitis stomatitis (LPGS), which affects the entire mouth. In this disease, certain cells involved in the immune system called lymphocytes and plasma cells move into the tissues of the mouth and we see severe inflammation where the tooth meets the gumline. It is this disease which we will focus on in this article.

Although it has been speculated that other diseases such as feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), calicivirus, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), and Bartonella henselae can play a role, no studies have proven this.

Are some cats more susceptible?

Some researchers feel certain purebred breeds such as Siamese are more prone to this disease, while others feel it is more common in domestic shorthair cats.

Sometimes this disease can develop when the cat is very young. This is called a 'juvenile onset' form of disease. It may occur at 3-5 months when the permanent teeth are erupting and become more severe by 9 months of age.

Cats who are immunosuppressed have a greater tendency to have oral infections which may become chronic.

What are the signs of chronic gingivitis and stomatitis?

Chronic gingivitis and stomatitis can cause severe pain. The animal's behavior may change - irritability, aggressiveness, depression or reclusiveness may be seen. The cat may drool excessively, have difficulty eating or not eat at all. Some cats will go up to the dish as though they are very hungry (which they are) and then run from the food dish because eating is so painful. They will often have bad breath (halitosis) and may not be grooming themselves adequately. Their gums bleed very easily.

How is this disease diagnosed?

During the physical exam, which may need to be done under anesthesia to do it well, multiple lesions are seen. There may be ulcers or proliferative lesions. The lesions can be on the gums, roof of the mouth, back of the mouth, tongue, or lips. The lesions at the gumline surround the whole tooth. Usually, the area around the back teeth, the premolars and molars, is most affected. Sometimes tooth resorption is seen.

Radiographs (x-rays) of the mouth often show moderate to severe periodontal disease.

Biopsies are generally not recommended unless other causes for the oral lesions are suspected.

What is the treatment for chronic stomatitis/gingivitis?

First, let us review what plaque is. Bacteria play a major role in the formation of plaque. Bacteria live on remnants of food in the mouth. When bacteria combine with saliva and food debris in the channel between the tooth and gum, plaque forms and accumulates on the tooth. When bacteria continue to grow in the plaque and, as calcium salts are deposited, the plaque hardens to become a limestone-like material called tartar.

If the chronic stomatitis/gingivitis is due to a plaque intolerance, then it is essential we remove all plaque and keep it off. This is accomplished through:

regular dental cleaning and polishing by your veterinarian, usually at least every 6 months

extraction of teeth with tooth resorption or severe periodontal disease

daily home care, including brushing, if the cat can tolerate it, and the application of 0.2% chlorhexidine

medications such as cyclosporine, antibiotics, or others as prescribed by your veterinarian

good nutrition, often with vitamin supplements since these cats may not eat as much as they should because of the discomfort

Unfortunately, even with this intensive care, the disease often progresses and the only way to cure the disease and eliminate the very painful lesions is to extract all of the teeth in back of the large canine teeth (fangs). This may appear drastic, but in almost all cases it is the only alternative. In 60-80% of cats the lesions will resolve once the teeth are extracted. Some veterinary dentists believe the longer the cat is on the medical management to control plaque as described above, the more likely the extractions will not be as successful or the response as fast. They therefore recommend extractions earlier in the course of disease versus later.

In cases of juvenile onset gingivitis, professional teeth cleaning every 2 months and once- to twice-daily brushing at home for the first year or so of their life, may allow them to revert to a more normal status as they age.

Information taken from:

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« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 23:51:38 PM by Janeyk »
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