At the moment I just want to make him eat more if I can, his weight loss has been quite dramatic over the last month since she last saw him, so if, and its a huge if, I can get him to put some weight back on, we may have a slightly better chance to keep him going. His renal diet is not appealing to him at the moment, so I'm feeding him whatever he wants right now with phospherous binder in it, it may speed up the downfall of his kidneys, but if these truly are his last weeks/months, whatever he has left, I want him to enjoy them, and if it means he gets food he actually likes, then thats what I'll do.
He's still wanting to play, albeit only in very short bursts now, then he wants to chill out and snooze again, so he's not ready to give up yet, and hopefully he'll carry on like this for a while longer!
I will speak to the vet about any other food which might build him up a bit again, I've got to get some more vidalta tabs next week so will have my list of questions ready by then.