Author Topic: Something has to be done- Oliver MMP looking for a lovely retirement home  (Read 9387 times)

Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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Oh and he sung that top title  :evillaugh:
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Offline Bazsmum

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Aw bless, he is a lovely cat....Positive rehoming vibes being sent to the gorgeous boy~~~~~~Good Luck!  :Luv: :hug:

Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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Can anybody find meeeeeeee, somebody to loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Oliver is still looking for a home-if interested please get in touch  ;D
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Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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Bump  :)
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Offline JackSpratt

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It sounds a wonderful place - it's actually near Nicky and they considered Mia. But she's a funny one to place; likes her home comforts but not especially fond of people.....

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Ela

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I am psychic sometimes, but not actually this time it was me being thick I am afraid, I was thinking you were talking about CC's cat.

Still I know most rescues have or know of ferals looking homes, so it would not be difficult for anyone to adopt. Subject to their suitability of course.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2009, 19:14:26 PM by Ela »

Offline JackSpratt

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How did you know the stable home wasn't in your area? Have I mentioned it before? :scared:

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Ela

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It's not in your area, Ela. Otherwise I'd have mentioned it

I know it is not in our area.  ;D
Ela it was the lady who runs my local cp that said that to me

That is what I assumed.

Then again she's the one who wouldn't help me with a feral as she said he would be no good in their pens

With that I tend to agree it is not fair to place a feral in one of our cat pens, unless it is ill and needs nursing of course. Unfortunately it often takes a long time to re-home ferals and to keep one in a pen for a length of time is just not on. We like to direct home (after a vet check of course) ferals

Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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Ela it was the lady who runs my local cp that said that to me. Then again she's the one who wouldn't help me with a feral as she said he would be no good in their pens  :shocked: He would prob still be on the streets now if it wern't for my mum  :Luv:

Thats whats so anoying-if he was rehomed I know it would stop. I really dont know why he's doing this as my cats are no threat to him  :Crazy: They have welcomed him with open paws, and like I said this is not like Ted at all  :shify:

I must admit-it may have something to do with my daughter, she dont understand why she can't fuss him the same as the others  :shy:

Thats my point totally- I want to be truthfull and tell any potential owners his problem, but how when its seen as a bad thing  :P
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Offline Bazsmum

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I dont reckon he is the type who would do well in a stable environment (that didnt sound right lol!)

He is a nice friendly, timid cat, not nasty just a bit skitty till he gets to know you!  ;)

Offline JackSpratt

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The reason I asked is because I know of a stables that was looking for a cat.

We have over 30 cats that would be suitable for this situation.

It's not in your area, Ela. Otherwise I'd have mentioned it. ;)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Janeyk

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I disagree with advice too, I would have a cat who sprayed and lots of other people would too I know this because I now of particular cases and in the right environment for the cat the spraying has stopped.

Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Ela

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The reason I asked is because I know of a stables that was looking for a cat.

We have over 30 cats that would be suitable for this situation.

I have had a few fosters who have sprayed in the house due to territorial reasons, but all have stopped once re-homed, so I disagree with the CP lady

I have to admit it does seem a strange thing for someone from CP to say, everyone I know in CP that deals with cats knows it usually works very well. I am wondering if someone is answering the phones who has never cared for cats or a wealth of cat experience. Maybe time for some lessons or at least to find out before giving advice.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Fingers crossed a home will come along soon CC - I have had a few fosters who have sprayed in the house due to territorial reasons, but all have stopped once rehomed, so I disagree with the CP lady. I Was honest with everyone who viewed Tom though, and explained what he did but that he probably wouldnt do it once rehomed. When I contacted a pedigree rescue for Rolo, her suggestion was Ovarid, apparently it helps with spraying Tom's, but as I knew rehoming was the only suggestion, I didn't want to put him on meds, but it might be worth asking the vet just until a home can be found, it might help stop him enough for you to cope with.
Please spay your cat

Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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That sounds good Jack but Im not sure it would be good for Oliver, although been a stray before he's used to his home conforts now-he likes a bed to sleep on  :evillaugh: and also lots of human attention  :innocent: dont get me wrong he's not needy in anyway-but when he wants a love he wants a love!!!!

He's also not the fastest of cats-more like a sloth unless he is playing lazer, so I know he can move  ;D He also wouldnt stand up for himself if he came across another animal-not good if he encountered a fox or some thing  :scared:

Forgot to mention- he cant live with dogs, this is the reason he was stray in the first place-he wouldnt go into his owners home cos of the dog. So dogs are a big no-no  :shy:
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Offline JackSpratt

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Oliver is a handsome boy.

The reason I asked is because I know of a stables that was looking for a cat. The cat would have constant access to the heated tack room and obviously human company as there's always people coming and going. If you think it might work I can ask if they're still looking.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Ela

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There's a possibility Oliver wouldn't act this way if he were an only cat.

I think you are right.

Over the years we have taken in many cats with this problem. Every one has on to be fine in a only cat situation. Of course all were vet checked first to ensure there were no underlying medical problems.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 10:01:09 AM by Ela »

Offline Janeyk

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 :Luv: isn't he gorgeous! I'm sure he'll soon get a new home I didn't realise he was a black fluff  :Luv2: I had him down as black SH for some reason  :-:
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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Yeah I know Gill he's a really wonderfull cat  :) He's exceptionaily chilled and laid back a credit to any potential owner. I would also say he would give his love for many a year to come- he's like an 11 month old kitten when he gets going  :Crazy:  :Luv:

He loves nothing more than to give love and be loved. He's come a long way since being here and although he was friendly from the start- he has opened his heart to me and my other cats and my 2 kids  :)

He has been coming to bed with me every night of him being here- and if you dont know he's there he makes it known, by giving me a big nose nuzzle  :Luv2:

He really is a lovely cat I will be sad to see him go  :shy:
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Oh my Oliver is just stunning  :Luv2:

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I just so sick and no matter how much I love him- love is just not going to sort this out  :(

yes sadly sometimes just our love just aint enough with the cat's natural nature and way of coping with things.

What surprised me when reading about cat behaviour and their natural ways was it's the little things that they do we hardly notice (unless you know what to look for) that says who is boss.

For instance if one is domineering the liitter tray and not going to the loo but knows full well the other cat does and deliberately makes the other wait to use it! Or deliberately blocking the cat flap! With marl and Garf, i have noticed that Marl always seems disinterested when playing with me when Garf is around as Garf being a pushy bossy chap will always take over. Marl knows this and will always let Garf do things 1st.  If Garf is asleep and me and Marl play he is a mad thing.  :rofl:   Mind you when they play fight, Marl don't half go for it as pay back!!  :evillaugh:

It can help to understand their body launguage, they express alot this way.

Ollie is wonderful hun and i really really do hope a home can be found for him. You are so brave in putting his needs before your own and we all know it's gonna hurt alot for you to do it.  :hug:
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 00:31:06 AM by Tan »

Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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 :cheer: Its Oliver  ;D
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Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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Oliver MMP (hopefully)  :)
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Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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The only reason I said for him to live in the garden was he was a stray before and used to live in his old owners garden-but I know I could never do that to him  :shy:

He really is a lovely fellow-anyone would be glad to have him  :Luv2:

I just dont understand why he has to show he's boss when all of my others are really great with him, they dont fight and never have. Thats very unlike Ted and Harry cos they are the bully boys and will gang up on any can in the neighbour hood  :innocent:

I just so sick and no matter how much I love him- love is just not going to sort this out  :(

He needs to be rehomed  :( Hopefully Im going to do a pic of him now  :)

If anyone is interested in big Oliver- please contact me  :)
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Offline Millys Mum

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CC please dont make him live in the garden, he would be better off pts than that, hes old and needs his own space.  :( i know it must be awful to live with but ultimately its not his fault hes in the situation and he is dealing with things the way animals do, not out of spite but nature.
There must be a rescue somewhere who can help him

Offline Gillian Harvey

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I think you deffo need to use the Feliway diffusers in conjunction with the Feliway spray - I don't think they work on their own to any great degree either.  :)

Offline Mark

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We had 6 feliways going and it didn't make any difference. Kylie pees where Willow has sprayed. This morning Willow peed on the table and I threw all the stuff away, washed the table then sprayed it with disinfectant. While the disinfectant was working, Kylie peed on it  :tired: - We wish we had bought a nice sealed table now instead if a rough recalimed pine one  :tired:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Gillian Harvey

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My Ben only started spraying after he had his bladder blockage, he'd never sprayed before that. Harry started spraying after he'd got out of the cat run (where I used to live) and had a terrible fight with a big bruiser of a tomcat, he also had never sprayed before that. Joe, I believe, started spraying in response to the other two spraying - possibly?

I experimented with Zylkene for Ben, it didnt have any effect whatsoever, havent tried it with Harry or Joe. I hadnt had a feliway diffuser plugged in for a long time, so I tried that again recently, along with the feliway spray, diligently spraying every single spot every day for about a month, and that has actually reduced the spraying by all of them.

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It is so very hard, upsetting and bloomin annoying! I know i have been though it with my lads many years ago when i loved in Bournemouth. I had my 1st cat Ben a rescue Moggie aged 6 months and two Burmese Bow and Arnie. Bow was spraying all the time and back then i didn't know much about cats and their natural behaviour being brought up with dogs.  It went on for years with my Ben being the "odd one out" of the two Burmese. In my case 3 def made a crowd and Bow and Arnie either chased Ben or ignored him.  Bow was def pack leader and it was him spraying everywhere everyday.  I just kept cleaning it up and making sure Ben had lots of time with me.
It wasn't until Bow passed on at age 6  :'( that Ben (left with Arnie) started to come out of him self and no more spraying in the house.  My case was def the cats in the house and 3 was too much. They were all outside cats.   My arnie went missing at the age of 8 two years after i moved to New Forest area (never have found him  :'( )  and Ben was my only babe till he passed on at the age of 12 from oral cancer.  Ben's life on his own was so different, he was such an outgoing personality something he never showed with the other two around.

Now i look back and i feel so very guilty for Ben at the time Bow was about as he can't of been very happy with Bow.  But it wasn't Ben doing the spraying it was bow everyday marking his territory from the other two and making sure he stayed boss.  Since reading so much more about natural behaviour, i know now that Burmese esp have a tenancy to be boss of the neighbourhood and in Vicky Halls books she say that they are one of the most popular cats she has treated for behaviour issues.  :shocked:

I def agree hun that your feelings are right and that Ollie needs to be an only cat for his, yours and your other cats sake.  If i knew what i know now back then, i would have to do whats best for the cats even though it would kill me to part with any of my babes.  They have been and are very much still my children as i can't have human ones.  

I am sending huge hugs to both you, Mark and everyone going through this spraying thing cause it really isn't nice to have to deal with everyday.   :hug:

Offline Kay and Penny

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I think you'll have to e-mail to find out more, Mark

but Willow, on the face of it, sounds a very good candidate for their study
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Offline Mark

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CC and Mark - have you seen the request for volunteers with spraying cats to take part in a research project at the University of Lincoln, in this month's Your Cat?

'Owners interested in taking part in the study are asked to e-mail Dr Redgate at or call the team on 01522 895478'

I haven't seen it - is there any more info or maybe a questionaire to fill in?

Thanks for that.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Janeyk

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I think Oliver sounds as if he'd be happier as an only cat or with just one cat too and I know it's hard because I've suffered it too but telling off just has the opposite effect to what you want to achieve, the only thing is to find a solution  :hug:
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Kay and Penny

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CC and Mark - have you seen the request for volunteers with spraying cats to take part in a research project at the University of Lincoln, in this month's Your Cat?

'Owners interested in taking part in the study are asked to e-mail Dr Redgate at or call the team on 01522 895478'
Robert A. Heinlein:
How you behave toward cats here below determines your status in Heaven.

Offline JackSpratt

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I think CC is doing the right thing looking for a new home for Oliver - repeated spraying is a sign that a cat isn't happy with something. In the short term doesn't make things any easier.

CC, do you think Oliver would be happy as an outdoorsy kind of cat?

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline woodlandcats

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and another one here, coming down, opening a drawer while holding the top op the sideboard, yuk, wet!!
But mine is such a sweet cat, I would never ever rehome her  :-:
But I know what a nuisance it is, had cats before that peed on the bed, and then you have to go to wash your duvet because it doesn't fit in your own machine and it costs you 8-10€! each time.

I will read the article too when I find the time, though I have tried a dozen sollutions over the years.
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Sorry CC - I know exactly what you are going through as I am having the same problem. Willow squatted yesterday on the kitchen table. I tried to put a cloth there and she peed on my hand  :sick:  - she has peed up the new iMac computer, the LCD TV, she has ruined countless carpets, curtains, books, etc etc etc - So I understand. I shouted at her this morning as she peed on the table again but she was so upset I ended up cuddling her  :Crazy:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Mollyrock

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Oh dear, what a dilema. it must be awful for you. Have no suggestions i'm afraid but just wanted to say that i feel for you. I really do not know how i would cope in a situation like this  :hug:

Offline CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls

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I am trying to rehome him although nothing yet, even the woman at cp said nobody wants a cat like that-what chance do i have  :(

Well he has been here since just before new year, for about 2 months he would only ever stay upstairs in the bedroom. Its only been since he started moving around the house/ back garden that hes been doing it, so marking his terrotry obviously.

He's 11 Tan and likes to spend most of his day lyed on top of the rabbit hutch, he dont do much else and has finally agreed he is happy with being in a cat proffed garden-all of my others have to so why not him  :shy: I couldnt put him at risk and wont ever  :)

Dawn my oh is none extistant.

Its just me I cant take the horrid smell, and now actually getting sprayed on  :shocked: what makes this harder is- I know it would stop if he was rehomed, obviously cos he wouldnt be here but i think thats whats best for him more than anything.

Hes really chilled here- lays flat out in the living room, eats when he wants, goes out the back when he wants. Its just he dont like the others here and Im sorry but they were here first.

I have never resitriced any or my animals from doing what they want (cept the cat profing) but I feel thats more for their safety, I just dont know what else I can do to make him more happy? My others aint going anywhere.
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Offline Dawn F

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oh cc I do feel for you, when Tilly was peeing on the bed as a kitten I remember saying to oh that if she didn't have a chip I'd leave her in a layby and I was only half joking - I hope you manage to rehome him soon, its a nightmare - what does your oh think?

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If you also have a look at Vicky's web site FAQ's there are many situtations where cats are spraying in the house and why.

It is the most common problem and the solution is to find out why.  :Luv:


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