Well this morning her eye did look better blood only covering middle of the eye but she has got a small spot appeared in her left eye too now. Anyway got to vets for 830am vet not in till 9
Not Ross but lovely lady vet was abit stumped by her. She took her off to a dark room to examine her eye properly and couldnt see any damage to the outside. She is unsure as she is a 8 week old kitten, the vet has seen it in older cats with blood pressure of blood problems before but not in kittens. She said she may have had some kind of head trama running around with her brothers and sister so to keep a watch on her and keep her seperate and bring her back tomorrow. She is going to do some research tonight on kittens to see if she can find any answers and possibly do some blood tests and blood pressure test on her tomorrow. If of course she doesnt get worse in the other eye today otherwise its back down there. Ive got some pain medication if she needs it but to be honest she is not acting poorly at all eating fine and jumping all over the place
By the way she has been named Tinkerbell by my daughter (5 kittens and 5 kids they name one each one less job for me to do!) But my hubby was calling her T yesterday saying she looked like the terminator
Piccie this morning you cant really see it in bad eye because of light!