Before I knew any better (
) I grew lillies on the balcony here.
We were extremely lucky, as Chloe never came to any harm (we didnt have Mr T then) but the lilies are gone, now I know the risks.
I suspect some cats may be more susceptible than othes - like humans and allergies, - but Im
not prepared to risk any cats life by doing the experiment
I miss my lilies, but Id miss my cats far, far more!!!
Before I knew any better (
) I grew lillies on the balcony here.
We were extremely lucky, as Chloe never came to any harm (we didnt have Mr T then) but the lilies are gone, now I know the risks.
I suspect some cats may be more susceptible than others - like humans and allergies, - but Im
not prepared to risk any cats life by doing the experiment
I miss my lilies, but Id miss my cats far, far more!!!