Monday he was fine, eating ok, got up Tues morning and he looked very sorry for himself and didnt want any breakfast. I wasnt overly worried (well, yes I was really!), but he has these episodes from time to time (to do with his heart and kidney problems) - and generally he picks up the next day and alls well again. True to form Wed he was much better, waiting with the others for food in the morning, seemed fine in himself, ate his tea ok and biscuits at bedtime. Well through the night he'd obviously had the runs a bit, but he still ate breakfast this morning and seemed ok, but during the day he had the runs again, and when I got back home just now he'd been sick (I know it was him from where I left him sleeping when I went out), and he was upstairs on the bed, looking sorry for himself again.
Anyway, I've got an appointment at the vets for the morning - unfortunately its a locum, my vet is away for a couple of days, not back till Mon, so can't really wait till then, I just like to see my vet really, she knows him and everything. I wonder if this is anything to do with his heart condition or his kidneys have worsened, or if its just a tummy upset?
He's just been sick again, its just frothy white bile, poor boy, worried about him