I returned a call from a woman who thought she could get help with vaccinating her two cats but can't. She said that she is up to date but due to an accident last year, she can't work but also can't get any benefits. As I don't understand the benefit system, I advised PDSA for the cats and CAB for benefit queries. She wanted to know if CP would give her the money as a one-off - but no can do. She said she doesn't have proof of sickness for PDSA. I told her that I can't speak for them but she really needs to ask them if some other proof can be used such as a doctor's letter. She said her doctor wasn't interested and didn't even bother turning up for the disablement meeting. We can try to advise but really not qualified. She said CAB don't answer her emails and the number is permanently engaged. I sympathise but not a lot we can do. I gave her details of the weekly £5 clinic in the area as well but that's it.