Bungly has been to the vets - she has had a long lasting steroid injection ( meaning no more tablets at the moment which she will be pleased about ) also a antibiotic Baytril injection for her snotty nose and her temperature was slightly up .
He said there isn''t any fluid now its just the tumour getting bigger
Also i am going back tomorrow and wednesday for 2 more baytril injections.
He said she has done extremely well so far considering the size of the tumour.
I went earlier as l wanted to get there before Wilkinsons shut as i remembered they do gourmet perle in there and Bungly used to love that .
Anyway as soon as we got back she sat near the food and i opened the gourmet and she has eaten some ( and licked all the gravy !), she also had 3 small pieces of my sausages and some more whiskers and a bit of Felix - so looks like her appetite is returning .
Tomorrow i am hoping she will eat more and feel beter after the next injection - she doesn''t need any more duiretics either at the moment.
Thanks everyone .