Author Topic: Kitten collars? advice please?  (Read 2525 times)

Offline pinkbambi

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2009, 19:02:23 PM »
I dont use collars on my lot except magoo who got a safety collar pre op incase he was kidnapped by a certain organisation! He enjoys his collar so has kept it for now but i would say not to put a collar on a kitten until its 6 months old.
If you need a way of telling them apart you could snip some hair off one of them, but you will soon learn which is which  ;D

Oh god! who would kidnap your cat?! 

lots of my friends ahve not heard of Ragdolls so I have been explaining to themall about them.

I have decided against collars.  My sonw as able to tell instantly...the eyes of children eh!?

I have just bught some goodies form the cat toy shop on here and received their cat tree yesterday and their wicker basket bed thingy.

Me & hubby work evenings so will be home all day to paly with them too...can't wait!  ;D

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2009, 18:30:34 PM »
oh my goodness......address please  :evillaugh:
cute or what  :Luv:

I wouldnt go for collars either, too dangerous !!!

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2009, 18:28:08 PM »
I dont use collars on my lot except magoo who got a safety collar pre op incase he was kidnapped by a certain organisation! He enjoys his collar so has kept it for now but i would say not to put a collar on a kitten until its 6 months old.
If you need a way of telling them apart you could snip some hair off one of them, but you will soon learn which is which  ;D

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2009, 17:42:18 PM »
Memph is indoor and collared - if he somehow gets out his collar is an additional form of ID apart from a physical description.

The boys did wear collars indoors briefly but once I'd prefected 'security' ie I knew there was no way they could accidentally get out I took them off.  I think if I lived in a busy household with lots of comings and goings I probably would put them on indoors again.

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2009, 17:37:16 PM »
Yes I use breakaway collars usually by Ancol.

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Offline Den

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2009, 17:34:37 PM »
Memph is indoor and collared - if he somehow gets out his collar is an additional form of ID apart from a physical description.

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Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2009, 17:27:40 PM »
In that case I personally don't see the need for a collar if they're indoor only, my two boys were indoor only for the first year of their lives and they didn't wear a collar.  I have now 'catproofed' the garden so they wear one when they go out, well one of them does!

Glad they're getting chipped ASAP  :)

Offline pinkbambi

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2009, 17:15:21 PM »
They are going to be indoor cats so the only reason would be to tell them apart.  I think that Penny is a bit bigger than Ringo so that would help.  They are not going to be microchipped btu I have spoken to my vet and will be getting them done when they go for their check over.

The breeder is lovely and she is having them vet checked just before I collect them but want my vet to meet them and check them too.

Thanks for your advice!

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2009, 15:53:37 PM »
Sorry just rereading your post pinkbambi.... if the only reason you were thinking of collars is to tell them apart, then I woudn't get collars.  I agree with Daisymac, it won't be long before you can tell them apart.  

We have 2, 6 month old black kitties both chipped of course.  I can tell them apart now (ignoring Ruby's extra toes).  Have to .. as the break away collars do just that and they often lose their collars.  Ours have outdoor access and no brains hence the reluctant use of collars.  

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2009, 15:49:06 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs

What gorgeous kittens  :Luv2:

I'm in the 'for' collars category BUT the only safe type of collar is the breakaway collar (with a little clasp that snaps open if they get caught on something) and they're not suitable for kittens so you'll have to wait until the litrtle ones are around 6 months before they'll be big enough to wear one.  Will they already be microchipped when you bring them home or will you be getting that done yourself?  To my mind microchipping is essential and if I had to choose between a collar and a chip the chip would win hands down, we see so many stories of lost cats being reunited through their chip whereas collars can and do come off.

I knew I definitely wanted mine to wear collars when they went outside so I put one on (supervised) for a few minutes each day when they were slightly bigger kittens to get them used to the feeling and so they didn't freak out when they had to wear one for real. I only put them on when they go outside now and one of them, even though he's not upset at wearing it, takes it off within minutes so I've given up on him but the other one keeps his on.

I agree with Daisymac, after a few days you'll be able to tell them apart as you'll start to see their personalities and different traits shine through  :)

Offline woodlandcats

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2009, 15:31:45 PM »
I'm very much against collars and anyway, you can't get them small enough.
Suggestion : nail varnish on one kitten nail, make it bright red  :briggin:
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Offline Daisymac

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2009, 15:21:49 PM »
Absolutely stunning babies,  welcome to the forum,   I guess I am on the fence so to speak re collars,  I would put the breakaway ones on mine if I could just because I have had one go missing and I know if he had a collar on I would have got him back a lot sooner,  but none of mine will keep collars on,  I spent a fortune on getting personalised breakaway collars made up for them and within 3 days 6 out of the 10 cats had lost theirs.   It doesnt seem to make any difference if you put them on from kittenhood either they just pull them off.  Maybe my lot are just strange,  but then they probably cant help that with the ridiculous names they all have  :rofl:

But trust me after a week of having the kittens you will be able to tell them apart,  Piccalli Polkdot Pants and Gracie Grubby Face look exactly the same (mother and daughter)  but you can tell them apart in loads of ways,  different meeows,  different walks,  different expressions and so on.  Hope that helps and good luck with the babies xxxx

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2009, 15:11:25 PM »
A BIGGG  :welcome: to Purrs.  You're gonna do well on here coz you obeyed the golden "must post piccies rule" straight off and what little stunners  :Luv: :Luv:  You'll have to teach CC Macey how to post pics ;) :evillaugh:  Only in jest CC  :scared:.

You have also raised one of the most debated questions too.  Ten outta ten.  Oh dear "to collar or not to collar", that is the question.  You'll have lots of views for and against.  I really can't make my mind up so have reluctantly decided to collar 3 newbies (all young) and our other 3 have no collars.  If you do decide to collar, it really is imperative that your choose the breakaway collars rather than any other type of so called safe collar. 

Hope you enjoy the forum.  I would recommend our shop by the way for special toys for new kittens.  The shop has really good cat toys and all profit goes to cat recue  :)

Offline pinkbambi

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Kitten collars? advice please?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 15:00:40 PM »
Hello, I am new here.  I am getting my 2 ragdoll kittens home on July 18th.  I have been to the breeder and seen them and also get sent photos but find it very hard to tell them apart.  The only obvious difference is that Penny has a teeny little white bit on one paw & the only way I can rememebr that is if I keep telling myself 'Penny ahs a patch!' over and over. :-:

Do kittens hate collars?  if so I will not get them but I thought that if they are not seen as cruel or anything then I may get a couple and if I have trouble telling them apart still, maybe try and put them on.

What do you think?

Thank you for helping me in advance.


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