Author Topic: Pregnant Cat advice wanted please  (Read 1584 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Pregnant Cat advice wanted please
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2009, 18:53:29 PM »
I would take her for a vet check to be on the safe side and then you can also get flea/worm treatments that are safe for pregnant cats.
Fleas are very dangerous for kittens so its important these are gone before they arrive. is a pretty informative page.

Birthing has always happened overnight here  :tired: cats are normally pretty good at getting on with things but it never stops you worrying does it!
Set her up a nice comfy area, she will proably choose somewhere else but it gives her an option  ;D

Food: ad lib food for her, kitten food if her tummy accepts it.

Your worse case scenario is needing a cesarean so also talk to your vet about this, where to phone etc

Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: Pregnant Cat advice wanted please
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2009, 18:49:20 PM »
First thing I would do is treat for fleas and worms if not already done.
Ensure a Good diet of Kitten food allowing extra for developing babies.
Provide a box with one side cut down low enough that mum cat can see to jump in safely without leaping on kittens once they are born,this is best situated in quiet area.
Most cats give birth without problem so dont worry but just incase have vets no. to hand, sterilised round ended scissors incase you need to cut cord and kitchen roll for handling kittens if this is the case. Ideally newborns should be left on their birth bedding if practicable for a day or two.
Mother cats instinctively know what to do.
Good Luck.

Offline bonnielass

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Pregnant Cat advice wanted please
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2009, 18:19:29 PM »
I have just taken in a little cat (shes about 9 months old ) who is very heavily pregnant, she belongs to a young girl (15 yrs old ) who has looked after her since being a tiny kitten and done a wonderful job, apart from having her neutered the problem now is that she lives with her Dad who has started to drink heavily, so she has been spending lots of time at her Mums and Stepdads, unfortunately she cant have Cassie with her because of the dogs, while  she was at her Mums Cassie came into season and dad fed up of the noise chucked her out but didnt tell anyone just let her in when she came home, i was asked for advice as she was putting weight on and when i saw her i knew immediately she was with kitten, i now have her with me for safety sake plus confined so no chance of slinking off to have kittens, as its over 10yrs since i had kittens ive forgotten what to do for the best, foodwise etc so please could someone refresh my memory, she is really huge but in good condition otherwise, im just worried she may have them while im at work, will she know what to do if she does, ,its no wonder im going grey
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