Syd had a couple of bouts before his serious one when he had to have an emergency op. He was then put on the diet, hated every second of it, was more depressed than I could believe, going from a loving, purring, healthy looking cat to a dishevelled, timid, skinny thing who I didnt recognise. We took the decision a few week's ago, having spoken to another vet, to move him onto a 'regular' food - we landed at Highlife due to its 60% meat content. he now has the shiniest coat, purrs more than ever, has so much energy and is back to our Syd. We put loads of water onto the food, heat it slightly so he drinks it all while he eats, so I am hoping this will prevent any other attacks
Now to get his sister to eat - she hates 'cat food', would only eat white fish, which is no good due to lack of nutrients, so is now on hunger strike! grr